Here we were happy with zero snow, and then last night it came with a vengeance when the wind went westerly to blow the white stuff in from the Irish Sea instead of sending it down to Wales. So to answer one of my reader’s questions yesterday, we rarely get any up here on the north-west coast of Lancashire, but last night we got about 5cm. That’s nothing like the quantity they get up in Maine USA, where the last time I passed through the Airport on my way to some Caribbean sunshine, there were 2 metre high drifts alongside the runway.
So I stayed around this morning, caught up with paperwork and IPMR and took a few photographs of birds in the newly snowed back garden where I dumped more apples and bird seed.
A couple of Redwings spent the morning at the far end of the garden in the holly trees where they took the last of the berries.
The Redwings neatly avoided the Starlings whereby the shy thrushes would have lost out against the voracious beasts.

There was only one Collared Dove this morning but it posed for me.

The Goldfinch didn’t turn up this morning, just the Chaffinches.

The Blue Tit came frequently but didn’t hang around, unlike a couple of “Lottis” that hung on my fat balls briefly.
And what is the season of cheer without a good old British Robin?

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