As promised here is another quick update from Menorca as I grab an hour on the hotel’s Internet connection.
We set off after breakfast and headed north through the town of Es Mercadal, on the way clocking more Booted Eagles and Kestrels, and with the car window wound down took in the ubiquitous songs of Nightingales and Cetti’s Warblers, both species more common here than in the UK our humble Blackbird.
First stop Tirant and the roadside Bee Eaters near Son Moscard where you’re lucky if someone hasn’t taken the single stopping place in the only gateway to watch the dozens of performing Bee Eaters.
Bee Eater A short drive took us to the marsh at Tirant, a place to walk slowly and look thoroughly in early May. From the hill that overlooks distant pools we could see Little and Great White Egrets, a couple of Black Terns, Redshank and Black-winged Stlits. It was great today to see 3 Red-footed Falcons and 4 Hobby all arial feeding, and whilst the Hobby were too fast for a photograph, I think I got one or two redfoot shots. Everywhere along the roadside were Stonechats and Wheatears, and in the grass and marsh beyond, more Nightingales, fizzing Cisticolas and chattering Cettis.
StonechatIn the wetter marsh we saw lots of herons, Purple Heron, Squacco Heron, Grey Heron, Little Egret and Cattle Egret.
Purple Heron
Squacco HeronTwo more highlights were Alpine Swifts and Stone Curlews today. We saw more Egyptian Vultures, Marsh Harriers, Red Kites and Booted Eagles, with a more distant Montague’s Harrier heading up to the north of the island and Cap De Cavalerria.
The spring seems early here with Thekla Larks, Sardinan Warblers and Willow Warblers all with newly fledged young.
It’s just a glimpse of Menorca but it’s not all birding. Next I have to drive Sue up to the beautiful old city of Ciutadella where there are lots of shops, and for me thousands of screaming Swifts, town dwelling Kestrels, and down in the quaint café-lined harbour, Yellow-legged and Audouin’s Gulls.
Yellow-legged Gull
Audouin’s Gull
Apologies to all my fellow bloggers that I am unable to catch up with you all until a few days time.