A lady from Knott End rang me to ask why there was more than one bird watcher near the jetty. I had to explain about the Black Redstart there. That’s the most exciting thing to happen at Knott End for many years. The cafe should sell a few more bacon butties this weekend.

It’s still too breezy for ringing at winter sites, and stuck in the box for almost two weeks my pliers complained about feeling unloved and redundant. After several weeks of nothing much, a few Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Blackbirds returned to the garden this week, so I put up a single net to see what came along.
A few hours later I had caught a good selection of 15 birds; 6 Goldfinch, 2 Blackbird and one each of Dunnock, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Robin, Blue Tit, Song Thrush and Starling. Not bad really as I don’t normally ring many Starlings, or even Song Thrushes now they are so scarce. I'd forgotten how good looking Starlings are, but only when they behave well.
Goldfinch can be tricky, especially now that some first year birds moult primary feathers, but the one below still has brown primary coverts.
The Chaffinch was a first calendar year male – pale, worn tertial feathers, worn and thin central tail feathers.