Showing posts with label Blue Tit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Tit. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2010

Siskins, Sun and Sarnies

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will’s for a ringing session.

The roads were a little dicey this morning with poor visibility and freezing fog of -3C. Ian was a minute behind witnessing a tanker crashing through a dry stone wall on the A6 at Catterall. But we all arrived safe and sound at Will’s, if a little cold but to a welcoming cup of coffee.

The Siskins were there in numbers in the tree tops, we could hear them in the half light and mist, twittering away and waiting for a breakfast of energy giving nyger. Our first round of just the two nets caught 21 Siskins and 2 Goldfinch, tremendous!



The sun eventually cleared a path through the mist as the Siskin kept arriving; At times they made a tremendous din moving about the garden or simply calling from the single pine and the several alders.

Sunny Morning

By 1145 we had caught 61 birds:

Siskin 34, which included 2 retraps from previous occasions.
Chaffinch 8
Goldfinch 10
Dunnock 1
Robin 1
Great Tit 3
Coal Tit 1
Blackbird 2

And, wait for it you ringers out there, 1 Blue Tit, a retrap! On a frosty February morning there is a Fairy Godmother after all.

There’s always a question about what percentage of birds present or passing through a locality are actually caught at a ringing session. On this occasion, and after a little discussion, we agreed that to double our actual catch would be a conservative estimate of the Siskin seen and heard, so we assumed that upwards of 70 Siskin must have been around the area of the neighbourhood this morning. A few of the Siskin showed evidence of peanuts around their bills (photograph) but our ones this morning stuck to the nyger feeders throughout. Some of Will’s neighbours do feed peanuts only.

The birds kept us fairly busy but naturally we found time to fit in our own energy giving breakfast of bacon sarnie liberally basted with HP of the brown variety.



Coal Tit

Blue Tit

Other birds we saw this morning; Wood Pigeon 14, Collared Dove 4, Pied Wagtail, Nuthatch 2, Treecreeper 2, Kestrel. Jackdaw 20, House Sparrow 10.

Pied Wagtail

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Slip Sliding Away

To quote Simon and Garfunkel “Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away”

And positively dangerous, that is the state of all minor roads and most footpaths around here, a little foolhardy to attempt any birding destinations. More to the point, the effect that this prolonged severe weather may have on bird populations is very worrying.

So I slipped up the hill to Top Shop then slid back down in the course of buying supplies for us and a bag of apples for the garden birds.

At the local park the full of bread Mallards have hung on but I wouldn’t be surprised if they too visit my garden soon for a bit of food variation.


My news today is simply garden pictures, the star of which is the single Fieldfare that found the Bramley baking apples and the damsons that I rescued from the freezer. Well we’ll just have to make our fruit crumble another day.

Blue Tit

Pied Wagtail





But if the northerly breeze relents a bit overnight we might get a bit of ringing in tomorrow.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Snow Birds

Another 4 inches of overnight snow on top of previous ice is most unusual for the Fylde and not a good recipe for birding. So, do some pre-Xmas jobs and gain the corresponding Brownie points, then practice some photography in the snow and grey light seemed the best option. No point in my trying to bulk out the pictures with superfluous words about common garden birds. Just enjoy.

Mistle Thrush

Mistle Thrush



Blue Tit

Collared Dove

Collared Dove




Please look in again after Christmas.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Better Than Nothing

I was due to go out but it kept raining, spitting and spotting until 1030 and although it wasn’t too windy, there wasn’t much sun either so I decided to save the best until tomorrow, read the Telegraph, do a few jobs, put a net up in the garden and take a few photos while Sue went shopping.

I thought it was a joke when I said my pliers were rusty through non use but when I opened my ringing box, there really were spots of orange rust gained from when I last put them away some weeks ago.

In the past few days there have been up to 12 Goldfinch in the garden at any one time so that some have to wait their turn at the feeders. All that changes when a net goes up, they are more reluctant to visit but the ones that do come take a different route out which involves a rapid climb from the feeders to avoid the 9ft high net at the back of them.

I caught 5 including this really dark red adult male.

Fortunately I didn’t catch more than a couple of Starlings but I did catch a control, an adult male with a moderately worn ring which suggested to me it wasn’t from this year. An hour later it came back for more so I caught it twice – CF58460 anyone?

Blow me if I didn’t also catch a Blue Tit with a ring not mine, anyone for T470174? This was one of eight caught.

Long-tailed Tits come by the garden infrequently so I don’t mind catching a few rather than a noisy troublesome net full, so bagging four today was ok.

The two Tree Sparrows in the garden this morning quickly disappeared when the net went up. And Chaffinch also know when nets are about so I didn’t expect to catch any but this fine adult female came along.

18 ringed, 2 Controls and cleaned up pliers. This could be the start of something big.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Good Going Over

An early (or late) beans on toast let me out of the house at 1040 because the sun was out for the foreseeable future and I wanted to give the moss a thorough look, the first for a while.

I called at the barn for a bucket of seed to drop at the feeding station where allegedly the ringing group catch birds; well not yet this winter as the weather frustrates each attempt and our pliers rust up, but at least lots of birds have some supplementary food available for when they need it.

I took a look across the farm where the flooded fields glistened in the sun, with somewhat distant but highly visible, boisterous black and white Lapwing, raucous Black-headed Gulls and unusually but not totally unexpected, a group of about 15 calling Redshank flew off, intermixed with the several hundred Lapwing.

I didn’t go with the bucket immediately because there were thrushes about, mainly Fieldfares whose second coming had been delayed, but here I counted over 90 in the hedge and the hawthorns that line the edge of the opposite wood. Also, several Blackbirds and just 4 Redwings that flew across to the wood when I began the stroll with the bucket.

I could hear the multitude of Tree Sparrows at the end of the hedgerow but before that there were plenty of birds along the hedge, beginning with 17 Long-tailed Tit and several Blue Tits that joined from the roadway hawthorns, conveniently hopping across which allowed me an easy count. What a difference a bit of bright sunshine makes in firstly finding, then counting and photographing birds, I was in danger of enjoying this.

The Woodpigeons flew off the seed soon enough and over to the wood, just as well because I think the more than twenty of them would soon make a large dent in a bucket of fresh seed. Although they weren’t on the seed, 3 Grey Partridge crashed out from the base of the hedge as I walked along. There were masses of Starlings coming and going between the line of food, the hedgerow and the adjacent flood, noisy and quarrelsome as usual, but as I approached they swooped off en masse as I estimated 450+. Let’s hope they don’t all end up in a mist net together on our first winter visit.

By the time I dropped the seed I had counted 260 Tree Sparrows with 6 or 7 Reed Buntings and 12 Chaffinch, a big count but I think the fine weather helped in bringing birds in as well as allowing an accurate count.

Carrion Crow grunts gave away the presence of a Sparrowhawk just over the wood in the bright sun so I took a couple of distant pictures. I think the Sparrowhawk dived into the wood because within a few seconds all the Fieldfare flew from the trees, then gained height to fly off calling in a south easterly direction.

Up past the dwellings I stopped to look east towards Nateby and St Michaels where a distant shoot was in full swing but far enough away so as not to disturb a couple of Roe Deer. No, I did that, just spotting them as they saw or smelt me to then head quickly off and leave me with a tail view.

I headed in the direction they went which proved quite useful because the elusive Skylark chose that time to erupt from the stubble and my count was 85 circling around chirruping. In the tree line next to a black, wet, peaty field I found three more Reed Buntings then 2 Meadow Pipits, one of which sat quietly for a few seconds on a little mound of earth. Not the best picture I know but that soil sure looks full of good things for pipits. Up here at the set aside I disturbed the regular Goldfinch, 11 today, together with 2 Yellowhammers and several more Chaffinch.

I also caught up with the regular Stonechat, which today turned out to be 2.

I made my way back to the barn to drop the bucket in, and as there was some light left I decided to check out another area and the Teal pit. It was down in this quiet corner where the fussy Chaffinch are, the ones that don’t want or need our seed, yet. I had seen them from the barn but when i got near I counted 40 birds + 5 more Fieldfare and 3 Redwing that flew off, the Chaffinch relocating to the trees surrounding the Teal pit.

I didn’t cross to the pool because there is a crop of winter wheat, but I didn’t need to as something spooked the Teal to make them fly around near and far, twisting and turning for several minutes as I waited in the shade and dark of the tall hedge. Eventually they came back to land again in the pool.

What a brilliant couple of hours, but by 2pm the light began to fade.

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