Thursday, June 3, 2021


Princeton Press likes to keep me busy.  Along comes another book for review, one I requested as likely to interest readers of Another Bird Blog. I was right. Read on to discover why, and all about Birdpedia, a bird book poles apart from the best sellers chart, dominated as it is by ID and field guides to here, there and everywhere. 

Birdpedia is a reincarnation of previous works by the North American author Christopher W Leahy, namely the Birdwatchers Companion 1982 (917 pages) and a 2002 Second Edition of 1000 pages. These encyclopaedic handbooks of birds are now encapsulated into the truly pocket sized Birdpedia of just 257 pages. 

Birdpedia - Princeton Press

Birdpedia is unashamedly North American centric, aimed mostly at the US market with this new short edition reengineered to attract a more global readership. Have no fear UK birders, there are more than a few nods to birds and birding in other parts of the world including Europe and Great Britain in this highly readable book. 

For 2021 this latest rebirth isn’t just a cut, copy and paste version because while revisiting and reducing earlier volumes the author has expanded the geographical coverage and also updated the book to reflect themes and memes of 2021. More of the pluses and the minuses later. 

The short Preface/Introduction instructed me how Birdpedia would be somewhat unusual. Quite soon I was onto Page One where the book begins and from where I found it hard to replace the little yellow hardback to my desk. 

I must advise that Birdpedia does not follow the expected and customary arrangement of a book. There is no Introduction, no Contents page and no Chapters or Sections which direct a reader through a path to enlightenment and entertainment. Instead the book is a collection of almost 200 essays on selected bird facts and birding knowledge arranged into alpha order according to each theme. At the end there is not the normal Index but instead a simple two page Acknowledgement that thanks a diverse collection of the material’s originators. 

Cuckoo and Reed Warbler - Abby McBride in Birdpedia

Hence the first section at Pages One to Five is devoted to the letter “A” on Abundance, followed by pieces on Ali (Salim), Altitude, Apocalypse and others. “A” finishes as one might expect for a US author, with Audubon and glides imperceptibly into “B” for Bailey, Florence Merriam (me neither). 

The pages continue through the alphabet to the halfway point and “M”, Mortality, and finally to page 257 with Zugunruhe. For those unfamiliar with Zugunruhe or indeed Ornithichnite, a bird word discovery of my own, perhaps this is the quick reference book to reach into realms that other bird books fail to reach? 

My description of the contents might suggest that this slim pocket-sized book is pedestrian, perhaps a little dry, and contains little new for the well-informed, experienced birder or twitcher? That conclusion would be mightily wrong because Birdpedia is an enlightening, entertaining, often witty compendium of facts and notions that includes art, literature, folklore, religion and others. 

For instance, when I say that the Letter “E” for “Edibility”, of birds, eggs and nests, contains useful advice on how to cook a “coot” (in fact a Scoter sea duck), readers will be intrigued to learn how to do this should they ever be marooned on a desert island. “E” also includes the brief but fascinating history of Eleonora of Arborea, the lady who gave her name to that most magnificent of falcons. There will be few birders who know the story. 

Under “P” a reader will find Politics, the strange tale of Birdie Sanders, and more. Thankfully the Politics is brief and inconsequential, the latter we already knew. Display, Song, Size and Sex are given the treatment they richly deserve while Poop includes the answer to “a question everyone is asking.” Readers may have to spend 9.99 UK Pounds or 17 US Dollars to learn this essential piece of information. 

I worried that in trying to update Birdpedia with modern agendas the author is already behind the curve in the rehash of two pages on the subject of Climate Change, a complex and far from settled debate that continues towards the apposite view. Likewise, most birders whose goal is the colour of the Bird only, not the skin colour of the birder stood alongside, might see the inclusion of Birding while Black as unnecessary.  And every birder I know can Identify a Red Herring from 100 yards away.

Apart from these minor niggles I thoroughly enjoyed reading Birdpedia as an undemanding, entertaining, but essentially informative read. I suspect that in the course of blogging for Another Bird Blog, and in search of answers to birdy questions I will consult Birdpedia to offer a path to solution. 

I must mention the 50 or charming drawings of Abby McBride dotted throughout the pages. She is a sketch biologist and travels globally to write and illustrate stories about ecological research for outlets such as National Geographic. 

Butcherbird - Abby McBride in Birdpedia
Birdpedia is a great little read, but don’t take my word for it. Buy this gem of a book for £9.99, less dosh than a birder will pay for a takeaway meal that rarely satisfies, is soon forgotten and may leave a legacy far worse then cooked coot.  

Birdpedia: Hardcover 
Price: $16.95 / £9.99 
ISBN: 9780691209661 
Published: Jul 6, 2021 
Pages: 272 
Size: 4.5 x 6.75 in.  

Back soon folks.  Another Bird Blog - Always ahead of the game.

Linking this weekend to Eileen's Blogspot and Anni's Blog in Texas.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Monday Monday

There was a good turnout for the Sand Martins on Monday. Bryan and Alice joined up with Phil and Andy in the hope of a decent catch that might include birds of the year - 3Js as we label them for data input. Where Sand Martins are concerned, four pairs of hands are better than two and infinitely better than one when the catch size is often unpredictable. Four pairs of hands make short work of setting nets too where speed is important so as to minimise disturbance to the colony. 

When we arrived our estimated count of Sand Martins milling around was of 200+. From those we had a decent enough catch of 30 Sand Martins, 25 new ones, 4 from our last visit and one from 2020. We expected a number of newly fledged young so were somewhat surprised when all thirty turned out to be adults. 

On Sunday when I checked the colony I saw twos and threes of young birds at a good number of entrance tunnels, birds that looked ready to go. There’s no doubt that the unusually cold months of April and May slowed down the breeding season to a virtual stop. 

Spot the Sand Martin
Sand Martin
Spot the Sand Martins

When we met up at 0700 hours a pair of noisy Oystercatchers greeted us and barely shut up all morning; we assumed they had youngsters close by. Not so, as eventually and after periods of watching and waiting we realised they had no young in tow and that their constant protests were designed to make us move from their territory. Oystercatchers can be pretty persistent about chasing off both bird and animal predators from their patch, so why might we be any different? 

As one bird settled down head tucked into its scapulars and the other close by in watching mode, we may have found their proposed egg laying depression in the ground a foot or so from the water’s edge. A consolation prize of a real nest could be in the offing next time we visit. 

The Sand Martin colony remained active through the morning as birds arrived and left on their searches for food. With about 60/70 active nests we pencilled in a return fairly soon so as to see how the breeding season has progressed. 

Other birds seen on Monday were just Pied Wagtail, Grey Heron and Common Tern. The tern would be a wanderer from the small colony at Conder Green less than a mile away.

Common tern

Back soon folks. There will be yet another bird book review of one that you cannot buy just yet except for placing an order. Another Bird Blog - always ahead of the game.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Diary Dates

How soon spring turns to summer, by the calendar that is, not the actual weather. May 2021 has been both the coldest and wettest on record up here in the Frozen North. Thursday morning was fairly warm by recent standards and I took the opportunity to visit a couple of spots out Pilling way. 

There was an Oystercatcher to check in the field where last week we ringed three Lapwing chicks. There may be more Lapwings to come from distant adults when they bring their young towards the coast via the path. And perhaps young Oystercatchers from the three egg nest located today.  Oystercatcher incubation is around 25 days, therefore, allowing for the uncertain days of laying, the date of egg hatching should be close to 13 June. I marked my diary with “Oyks Pilling”. 

Oystercatcher nest - May 27
A pair of Oystercatchers has just one breeding attempt each year. It is said that if at first they don’t succeed they do not try again, but as long lived birds, up to 30 years, they have lots of time to make up for unproductive years. 

Meanwhile and not too far away a pair of Pied Wagtails was busy feeding young, the nest hidden in a thick tuft of grass alongside a watery ditch. Both birds had hung around the same spot for weeks without giving much away.  The young were pretty big so were quickly ringed and put back in their nest, and then covered with a cloth for a couple of minutes so as to settle them back in their dark hidey hole. 
Pied Wagtail

Pied Wagtail

Along the same waterway was the now regular Great Egret, destined perhaps to spend the summer here out of sight and out of mind. Two Grey Heron but no Little Egrets.  Not far away was a single Wheatear, a remnant from recent migration and not likely to breed hereabouts. 

Part of the day's task was to find Skylarks, and plenty there were, upwards of 8 singers in several hundred linear yards so potentially the same number of pairs. Skylark nests are difficult to locate and May has been so cold and wet that the chances of finding active nests was close to zero. However I chanced upon a pair in the early stages of nest building below a fence post and entered another marker in the diary “Skyla East End 15 June.” 

In nearby reedy pools and scrapes were 6 Tufted Duck, 2 Little Grebe and many active Sedge and Reed Warblers zipping around the reeds and in and out of the vegetation. Like other species this year, the “Acros” were late to arrive, late to start but now seem intent on making up for lost time. 
Sedge Warbler

Reed Warbler

The Tufted Ducks involved themselves in some sort of group courtship behaviour which consisted of males sailing off over the water, closely followed by a noisily quacking female. That guy looks a little henpecked.  Maybe the picture is worthy of a caption contest - “Don’t be long. And what time will you be back?” 

Tufted Ducks
That reminds me. I have a few chores to finish.  Back soon.

Linking at weekend to Eileen's Saturday Blogspot and Anni in Texas.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Britain's Insects - Book Review

Princeton Press sent me a new WildGuides for review on Another Bird Blog.  A book I didn't request because apart from a passing summertime interest in dragonflies, damselflies & butterflies, my knowledge of insects and entomology is virtually zero.

Britain's Insects - Princeton Press

Britain's Insects - A field guide to the insects of Great Britain and Ireland, is published on 8 June 2021. The Author is Paul D Brock, a name that will be entirely familiar to devoted entomologists and probably to birders with a secondary interest in lepidoptera and odonata.

Paul D. Brock is an entomologist and a scientific associate at the Natural History Museum, London. He is a renowned author of insect books and a widely published photographer. He is a world authority on stick-insects and leaf-insects, with a genus and several species named after him - Paul D Brock.

On the other hand, Princeton's mistake was an opportunity to discover more about a branch of wildlife I rarely explore while upholding the principle of “learn something new every day”. I opened the book cautiously in case a creepy crawly emerged from within. Nothing did, so I investigated in greater depth. Read on.

The short Introduction to Britain's Insects is just that, an unveiling of the contents of the 570 pages that contain the species accounts. The Introduction reminds us that Britain's 25,000 insect species, and the World's 1.07 million species, are crucially important to the health of Planet Earth through the ecosystem. Insects are waste controllers, pollinators and pest controllers while themselves providing food for animals, birds and humans. If insects were to disappear, our planet's ecosystem would collapse.

From the species accounts I learnt that Britain has 25 broad “types” or “orders” of insects, many familiar to the average householder through their often undeserved reputation as pests e.g. earwigs, cockroaches, lice, beetles and flies. Others of the order, equally familiar but more colourful and beautiful are treated more favourably by man, e.g. dragonflies & damselflies, butterflies and moths. A celebrated few, e.g. stick insects become children's pets while yet others produce food that we consume. Who doesn't enjoy a blob of the finest honey made by Apis mellifera or love to wash with soap containing bee wax?

Britain's Insects - Princeton Press

Pages 8-26, a guide to insect orders, introduce the general character of each order of adult insects while reminding the reader of the considerable differences of immature stages of larvae, caterpillars and nymphs. There's also a timely reminder for the reader/novice to check that the animal in their gaze or up for ID is in fact an insect, rather than “insect-like” by checking/counting the features of head, body parts legs, eyes, wings and antennae.

Britain's Insects - Princeton Press

Note to bird watcher self. The procedure of identifying insects is infinitely more complex than the simplicity of seeing that a bird is a bird alone and can never be an entirely different animal. Already I am learning that insects have quite unique, amazing stories to tell and that there is much to discover by amateurs and professionals alike.

The Species Accounts pages 33-464 vary in how orders are treated. In some, every species is covered, e.g. odonata, grasshoppers & crickets, butterflies (but not moths), and some of the smaller orders. In the case of larger orders, similar detail would create problems of bulk and accessibility that would require a number of volumes, therefore the accounts give an overview e.g. ants, wasps, bees and their relatives of flies & beetles. For example, the largest order, the ants, bees, wasps and their relatives of Britain consist of 64 families, 1592 genera and 7,760 species; thus, even in this hefty tome of 680 pages it is impossible to be finite in detail, more so when some insects are little or rarely known. As the author states as early as page 4, it is still possible to find a species new to a region, or the ultimate discovery - a species new to science!

Britain's Insects - Princeton Press

The text and layout of the species accounts and indeed throughout the book follow a consistent layout and presentation that is immediately recognisable as a WILDGuide. Like others in the series Britain's Insects contains colour coded labels, clear and succinct text, mostly side-by-side photos and many charts, in all, 476 colour illustrations. Many pages have signposts and pointers to help the reader to home in on the most salient features of a species.

The accounts include a huge amount of detailed information such as geographical range and status, conservation status, measurement, ID features, life cycle, habitat, food plants, hosts, and indications of similar species. In the case of grasshoppers and crickets, the accounts include both sonograms and QR codes, the QRs will link with sound recordings when the book is published. Just like birds, insects make similar if somewhat quieter “churrs”, “chirps” or “squeaks” to advertise their presence to potential mates and use vocalisations to ward off rivals and predators.

Quality photographs abound, many from the author, others by dedicated enthusiasts and both professional & citizen scientists, all selected so as to show off key ID features. Only by macro photography can the full glory of insects be appreciated and British Insects has advice on how best to achieve photographs of similar quality to the many (2600) superb ones in the book. There are five pages of acknowledgements and photo credits, a testament to the amount of work that went into creating this phenomenal piece of work.

Britain's Insects - Princeton Press

This is a delightful if demanding book, a major work in fact. It is daunting in some respects for a complete novice/beginner but without doubt a welcome addition to the libraries of insectophiles and professional biologists as a source of reference.

Britain's Insects will surely become an essential and everyday guide for entomologists, naturalists, gardeners, wildlife photographers and anyone else interested in insects, whatever their level of knowledge.

Britain's Insects upholds the superb presentation and finish we have come to expect from the WildGuides series. At £25 for 608 pages that contain 4000 colour illustrations/photos the book is a real  bargain.

Price: $32.50 / £25.00

ISBN: 9780691179278 

Published (US): Jul 13, 2021

Published (UK): Jun 8, 2021

Pages: 608

Size: 5.87 x 8.25 in.

2600 colour photos

1476 colour illustrations

Back soon with another post. Birds I expect. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

No Ducks Today

Sorry folks, no birds today. However, regular readers will know of my liking for art. As the saying goes, “Can't draw for toffee but I know a good picture when I see one.” 

A week or two ago and on my FB feed courtesy of Mr Zuckerberg's algorithms appeared an unfamiliar Northern Artist by the name of Dale Traskowski. I was immediately struck by the vibrant colours, clean lines and strength of the paintings, but also the sense of familiarity that Dale's work aroused. Many of the scenes homed in on Lancashire and an era almost gone; nostalgic, almost wistful in their portrayal of streets, vehicles, people, scenes and landscapes gone by. 

Dale's pictures feature inland Lancashire towns and villages like Brinscall, Chorley, Wheelton, Wigan and White Coppice. I thought there was an influence of the late LS Lowry, Lancashire's most famous artist and I soon christened Dale's images “Lowry on steroids”, paintings with a sense of fun that is rarely found in a Lowry.  

I ordered a print that especially took my eye. “Playing for the Les Pass Trophy, White Coppice cricket pitch”, a signed and numbered limited edition, framed and delivered for the incredible bargain price of £70.  The Internet version of the print brought memories of lazy summer days spent watching cricket with a pint of Boddingtons to hand. I couldn't wait to see the print for real. 

Cricket has history in our family. When the kids were younger we travelled to Old Trafford many times to watch Lancashire County Cricket Club play and also to Stanley Park and Lytham cricket grounds when Lancashire played home games at their “out” grounds. 

Middle son Carl played for Fylde Cricket Club for a number of years where he was a more than useful player. This theme is now taken up by grandson Theo, aged 15, who has a regular place in the Fylde CC second team and where he is challenging for promotion to the first team. 

Fast forward a few weeks and a message from Dale that he would deliver my picture and use the opportunity to visit Knott End on Sea, a mile or two from here in Stalmine.  Knott End just happens to be a regular haunt of LS Lowry in the mid 1900s.  Maybe my suspicions were justified?

Knott End Jetty, Wyre Estuary/Fleetwood Town by LS Lowry 
Knott End, Wyre Estuary/Fleetwood Town

A Lowry statue at Knott End slipway was unveiled in September 2015. The Fleetwood to Knott End ferry features in several of Lowry’s drawings and paintings. He had a long association with the Fylde region, the statue a landmark to celebrate his association with the area. Lowry visited Knott End frequently in the 1940s and 1950s. He stayed at boarding houses on the sea front and became a familiar figure to local people. They would observe him making sketches on whatever he had to hand. Hotel note paper, old receipts, napkins, envelopes and even toilet paper would be put to good use as he drew the landscapes and the people within them. 

Sue and I drove to Knott End with Dale, his wife, also Sue, and their two beautiful and lively sheep dogs, Mist and Bertie. Here's Dale and Bertie with Mr Lowry who's striding out to catch the Knott End ferry that crosses the Wyre Estuary to Fleetwood.  Bertie didn't much like the camera.

Dale Traskowski, LS Lowry and Bertie
The modern day Knott End to Fleetwood Ferry

We left Dale and Sue to explore Knott End. I later learnt they had found Knott End Chippy, probably the best chippy in the area. 

Back home my print of White Coppice cricket hangs in the hallway where visitors and family alike can admire it at their leisure. 

Playing for the Les Pass Trophy, White Coppice cricket pitch - Dale Traskowski
We felt privileged to meet Dale and family in person. For sure his recent venture of a web site will showcase his art and lead to a talent becoming more widely recognised. 

I urge readers to visit Dale's web site Dale's Art from where I predict they will find it difficult to resist a purchase from the many pictures destined to catch their eye. 

Dale will also take orders for one-offs and commissions.  Give him a bell and place the order. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Where to go was the dilemma? Oakenclough had been quiet with poor catches, Tuesday might be too soon after our last uninspiring visit, and strange as it may seem, by 18 May, spring migration is already tailing off.

We knew that at Cockerham was a brood of Lapwings ready for ringing together with some “Acros”, the lazy birders' name for Acrocephalus warblers, small insectivorous passerine birds belonging to the genus small,insectivorous passerine birds belonging to the genus Acrocephalus.

We drove to where the Lapwing chicks were seen a couple of days ago to see the farmer's £200,000 sprayer heading across the field. Luckily the field is sizeable and the ringing job would be done and dusted before the huge machine reached the Lapwings or ourselves. Andy quickly located all three chicks and popped them into a tractor rut as the adults watched from above before returning to parental duties. 

Lapwing chicks

Crop Sprayer

Lapwing chick

In the same field were more Lapwings and an Oystercatcher sat on recently laid eggs. We didn't check but the oyk appeared there soon after the crop sprouted to give cover to the eggs. It went into my notebook for something to think about in coming days. 

Job done we set a couple of nets in nearby reeds and caught acros but no other species - 4 Reed Warblers and 4 Sedge Warblers. One of the Reed Warblers bore a ring ALJ4078 that we thought would be our own. It was, sort of. In fact our ringing colleague Seumus Eaves had first ringed the Reed Warbler on 6 August 2020 at Fleetwood Marsh just 20 miles away in a south westerly direction.

“Well what's so great about that” you might say - “It just followed the coast”.

Reed Warbler

Sedge Warbler
Fleetwood and Cockerham

Not so much is the answer except that in the intervening period of ringing at Fleetwood and recapture at Cockerham, the Reed Warbler had flown to Africa and back.

Last August and setting off at dusk from Fleetwood this bird found its way to sub Saharan Africa where it spent the winter of 2020/21. Don't forget, this bird was born in Britain and had never been to Africa before attempting this perilous, unknown adventure.

In early May 2021 it headed back to England, avoided Border Control checks and found it's way to Cockerham.  A little off target for Fleetwood but not a bad effort don't you think?

Linking this weekend to Eileen's Saturday and Anni in Texas.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Over To You Padre

Blogger friend The Padre over in Grand Junction Colorado requested “more Barn Owls please.” Ever one to please I found another Barn Owl this morning. 

In broad daylight at nine am I guess the owl hunted for its mate and/or young owlets so after a few pics, I let it be. 

Barn Owl
Local birders are pretty much OK in realising that disturbing nesting Barn Owls is a no no because the owl has Special Protection as a Schedule 1 species. Other casual birders and/or toggers either don't know or don't care and often continue to be a nuisance, even in the breeding season.  

Members of our own Fylde Ringing Group are all covered by a Schedule 1 Permit to cover Barn Owls and other species but would never abuse that privilege for a photograph. 

Close by was a Common Whitethroat, a male Reed Bunting and a pair of Skylark. 

Common Whitethroat
A walk took me to fields where I found a Lapwing pair with three fluffy youngsters, spaced out behind mum. Give it a couple of days and the chicks will be large enough to find in the short sward and have legs suited to take a D ring. Another two or three adult Lapwings hunkered down in the crop while their mates chased off crows, a sure sign that these Lapwings at least are still on eggs. 

An Oystercatcher posed up for me while a pair of wild Tufted Duck looked for all the world as if they would fly off any second. Tufted Ducks in the local park become tame as mice. Here in shooting country the tufties don't much like human company and may prefer to take their chance in life with natural food and sportsmen rather than live on a diet of white bread and greasy crisps. 
Tufted Duck

Tufted Duck 


I found the regular Great Egret and 3 Grey Heron and just a single Little Egret rather than the eleven of last week. 

Great Egret
There seemed to be good numbers of Skylark with at least 6 singers and potentially 8/10 pairs once they sort themselves out.   At last, the slightly warmer weather of the last few days has spurred the Skylarks into action. 

Around the areas of reeds, water and woodland edge - 1 Swallow, 1 Pied Wagtail, 2 Goldfinch, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Mute Swan, 2 Little Grebe, 6 Reed Warbler and 7 Sedge Warbler. 

Back home I found a micro moth hiding against my pure white car. From a yard or two away it looked like a strand of vegetation had stuck itself onto the paintwork. Closer inspection revealed it to be White Plume, a ”micro moth” Pterophorus pentadactyla. 

White Plume

Fairly common I imagine and I'm not normally “into” moths but I have just been reading a new field guide to insects to be published in June by Princeton Press - Britain's Insects – a bargain buy of 600 packed pages £25 if ever I saw one.

Britain's Insects

Log in soon you insectophiles, There's a review of this book from a strictly neutral birder.

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