Saturday, December 3, 2022

Tuesday and Saturday

On Tuesday I wore five on top, three below for the expedition. And don’t forget the gloves, scarf, woolly hat and the head torch for lighting the way. The dashboard read “5º - Possible Ice” but it was the misty almost foggy start that made me drive slowly towards our site at Pilling where staying on the move became the order of the day.

Any mist was supposed to clear and leave a cheery morning but the sun never arrived and neither did the birds. Eight birds was all we could muster, Robin 2, both recaptures, 1 Reed Bunting, 1 Chaffinch, 2 Redwing, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Meadow Pipit.


The dank cold mist kept Linnets away and none were caught - most unusual here. We know there are Linnet flocks scattered around the area and that until really cold weather arrives they are yet to join up into their hundreds. A pair of Stonechats and a Cetti’s Warbler hang around come what may. We didn’t. Another day, another try.

On Saturday morning we tried again when I met Will over at Pilling at 0730. It was another five layer morning with a frost that nipped at unprotected fingers. We hoped the lack of mist might produce better luck than that of Tuesday and at least there was sun and a fine dry morning.

We caught more birds this time -19 of 4 species, 12 Long-tailed Tit, 5 Linnet, 1 Chaffinch and 1 Wren.


Long-tailed Tit


In the meantime came news of a Lesser Redpoll APV0726 caught at another of our sites, Barnacre near Garstang. 

APV0726 had been ringed at Gosforth Cumbria on 31 May 2022. The age then was coded “3J”, in other words, a fresh juvenile and one that probably, but not certainly originated close to Gosforth, Cumbria. It is possible that APV0726 had already travelled down the west coast from Scotland where the species is extremely common.

Lesser Redpoll - 3J

Lesser Redpoll - Gosforth to Barnacre

We recaptured APV0726 -180 days from Gosforth, and now at Barnacre on the morning of 27 November 2022 and now aged it without the J as a code 3, i.e. a first winter bird with no obvious indications as to its sex.

This recovery represents a typical autumnal movement of young Lesser Redpolls in a south easterly direction to winter in Central and Southern England. Some of those birds continue their journey and cross the English Channel to Belgium, The Netherlands and France.

Linking this weekend to Anni in Texas and Eileen's Saturday.

Back soon with more news, views and photos.


eileeninmd said...

Hello Phil,
Great closeups of your captured birds. Your 2nd outing sounds like a success, more birds being caught. You a brave to go out birding on a cold icy day. Great news on the Lesser Redpoll. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You really did get some wonderful photos of the birds but the weather was not good...for man or beast...or bird! Take care and hopefully this weekend will be better!

Lowcarb team member said...

It certainly has been more wintery recently ...wearing layers and enjoying warm soup is the order of the day!

Thank you for including some lovely photographs of the birds, my favourite is the long-tailed tit.

All the best Jan

Shiju Sugunan said...

Interesting closeups of the captured birds.

Anni said...

That long tailed tit is such a wonderful capture. Too bad the weather wasn't as wonderful.

Have a great week ahead and your linking up is appreciated. Hope the cold air turns for the better.

Jenn Jilks said...

Thanks for the map to provide context.
You find amazing birds.

Rhodesia said...

Just love that Long-Tailed Tit, I wish they would visit our garden.
I hate the cold, and yes I am not wearing several layers but I still struggle to keep warm. Too many years living in Africa me thinks. Never mind we are going back for a holiday early next year so I hope to get lots of new photos.
Have a good week and keep warm. Cheers Diane

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

You are so dedicated to brave the cold, misty early hours of the day. I really hate cold weather which is why I live in Florida. I always enjoy your bird photos. Happy Holidays!

NCSue said...

I love seeing your birds! Thanks so much for sharing at

Veronica Lee said...

Awesome close-ups of the birds, especially that long-tailed tit!

Happy Tuesday, Phil!

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