Thursday, August 15, 2024

Shopping Or Birding?

Sue took the 5C bus to go shopping. I grabbed the car and went birding. Read on to discover who got the best deal. 

The 0630 start saw me driving along a bumpy farm track at an easy going 10mph where I met up with Andy for our planned ringing session. Zero wind and a slightly misty start suggested sun, warmth and clear skies ahead. 

Birds were on the move from the off with Meadow Pipits in abundance and one or two fellow travellers. Out of the first net round we picked 3 Meadow Pipits, a Sedge Warbler and a Reed Bunting 

Sedge Warbler

Meadow Pipit

Reed Bunting
We had more Meadow Pipits but the initial surge of post-dawn birds did not continue in any huge way. We ended with a slightly disappointing 14 new birds – 12 Meadow Pipits, 1, Sedge Warbler and 1 Reed Bunting. 

Major disappointment came when we saw a female Sparrowhawk heading for and then landing in a mist net 30 yards away from where we sat drinking coffee while putting the world to rights. A few flaps of those wide wings together a little panic and the hawk freed itself, gone before we could get a hand on her.  

A bad-tempered Sparrowhawk out to dig its talons into your fingers always livens up a slow ringing session. 

We didn’t see the hawk again and settled for views of other raptors, a Marsh Harrier and a Kestrel. The Marsh Harrier was the fifth or sixth sighting of this autumn when it arrived from an easterly direction and then continued in deep V profile as it flew purposefully west and out of sight. 

The Kestrel crossed our line of sight rapidly with typically strong and consistent wing beats, quite unlike the pumping wings and flat glides of a Sparrowhawk. 


Andy had an appointment and left at 1030. I sat in the car hide for a while and grabbed a few pictures in the morning light. Along came a few Linnets, Pied Wagtails and a single Yellow Wagtail – nice! 

Yellow Wagtail


Pied Wagtail

Back home I had a short nap until woken by the Happy Shopper returning home home and handing me a dog-eared debit card.  Today's financial advice - buy shares in Marks & Spencer. 

Back soon folks. Enjoy your days whatever you do. 


  1. Hello. Interesting post and photos.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Marks and Spencer that is only a memory for me! Some great photos here and if I spotted a Linnet I think it would have just been a LBJ!!
    I hope all is well, sorry I have been so slow this year, buying the adjoining property as kept us more than busy with restoration! Cheers Diane

  3. Birding. Shopping.
    No contest. I didn't need to read any further.

    But I did.

    Nice ringing morning with an adrenaline burst courtesy the Sparrowhawk. I love the "autumnal flavor" of the post. We're still stifled by large blankets of very warm humidity each morning.

    All is good overall. Even made a short swamp trip yesterday. Gini and I send you and Sue all the best. Hope the burial service for that debit card was memorable.

  4. Very nice photos. Personally, I think a day in nature beats any day shopping, and your debit card probably feels the same. I do love the way you ended this. Made me laugh.


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