Saturday, June 29, 2024

Back To The Future

Yes, it’s true. Following public demand Another Bird Blog is back. Click the Pics. You know the drill.

Four months later and following a number of stuttering, lethargic attempts I hit the keyboard to bring an update on the trials and tribulations of an ageing ringer, birder and photographer. 

It all began in December last with arthritis of a dodgy ankle that kicked in during a brutal morning at Oakenclough, unsavoury conditions that continued into 2024 with the wild and windy weather of January to May inclusive. Weather “experts” paid to promote dodgy data told us that May was “dry and very warm” but high energy bills and nearby flooded fields advised otherwise. 

Seeing again our Greek friends and experiencing Philoxenia in early May became Priority Number One. The pain, hurt and sheer torment of TUI and Terminal Two of Manchester Airport is not something to recommend but the thought of two weeks of Greek hospitality, Greek food and Ouzo saw us through the anguish as we finally landed at JSI, Greece some seven hours after leaving FY6. 


Our Jimny awaited whereby a detour from the airport to Slaventis Supermarket provided the essentials for the first afternoon and evening in Skiathos - orange juice, 6-pack water, ouzo and Metaxa, not necessarily in that order. 

Slaventis, Skiathos

Slaventis' Ouzos

Room Number 4 at Dream House was ready as our hosts the charming Efie and dad Kostas poured us a glass of ice-cold Fix, a brew that tasted like beer, not gnat piss. We swapped hugs and kisses then unpacked for tomorrow. 

Efie and Kostas


Dream House (Spiti Oneiro)

It was early May, when many migrant birds have already passed though Greece on their way to Northernmost Europe. March and April is the peak but as in Britain some linger while waifs, strays and residents entertain the few birders in evidence - one whole and a partly reluctant sun-loving Sue in our case. 

The list is not huge but included a number of mouth watering possibilities for birders struggling back in wet and windy UK – Bee Eaters, Hobby, Marsh Warbler, Red-rumped and Common Swallows, Nightingale, Scops Owl, Little Owl, Little Bittern, Night Heron, Tawny Pipit, Red-backed Shrike, Yellow Wagtails, Wheatears and Spot Flys etc, etc. 

Bee Eater

Black-crowned Night Heron

The travelling laptop tells a mixed tale of sunny, lazy days and recalcitrant birds. Not in any particular order but a taste, a feel of Skiathos.

Skiathos Town

Skiathos Town

The Greek flag together with symbols of Greece its culture and history are widespread. To mock Greece is to invite public opprobrium and worse.  "Philoxenia" - φῐλοξενῐ́ᾱ meaning "friend to a stranger” is about much more than a warm welcome; it is a complex moral code with deep roots in Greek culture and Greek daily life. 

Meanwhile in Western Europe and seemingly also in the US, there is an epidemic of cultural dementia coupled with a desire to obliterate our history and values. The Greek people don’t fall for such communist inspired claptrap. 

Mylos Taverna

A quiet coffee morning in Papadiamantis Street
Early May at The Bourtzi 

Feeding ducks

The Bourtzi

From The Boatyard

The Boatyard

The Boatyard

Mylos Taverna

From Mylos

Sleeping in Skiathos

European Shag

Grey Heron

Yellow-legged Gulls

Out and About

Out and About

Red-backed Shrike

Red-rumped Swallow


Night Heron and Little Bittern

Night Heron

It was three weeks later when deleting rubbish photos that I found the two herons just yards apart. I caught up with secretive Little Bitterns at other locations.

Little Bittern

Yellow Wagtail

Red-backed Shrike

Red-backed Shrike

Local goat. The source of creamy feta cheese.

Morning Flight

Skiathos Town

Skiathos Town

Street Art Greek Honey Bees

Ferry Arrivals, foot passengers first.

Ferry Arrivals, cars and wagons.

Queue Here

Skiathos Cat - Yuk

We arrived back in the UK mid May and found the weather had improved, even warming up, but not yet up  to Greek temperatures.

A little birding, a spot of ringing became more appealing - after tidying the garden and catching up with family and friends.

Back soon. Maybe.


  1. Welcome home, travelers.
    You were missed.

    I've sipped two cups of coffee while going over your wonderful images for a third time. If I were not so old and so poor I'd book a flight.

    We always wish for "more" birds, but your partial list and excellent photographs indicate enough to make any birder salivate.

    We have been fortunate to be able to get out quite a bit lately, although I've been concentrating more on bugs and blooms than birds since our winter migrants all flew back home. Plenty of sun, humidity and now the seasonal thunderstorms - all to reassure us we are actually still in Florida. "Climate experts" advise impending doom, so we have stocked up on almost nothing special in preparation.

    Again, happy to hear your trip was a good one. We hope the arthritic pain has subsided and will stay away.

    Keep Gini in your thoughts as on Monday she will have a pacemaker/defibrilator installed to help her already wonderful heart maintain its steady beat.

  2. I was wondering if you were still alive. Best photos of your escape to Greece is the exceptionally beautiful one of the cat named Yuk :) Also enjoyed the horse and goats, and... Oh ya, birds. Well, if you aren't back soon, you will be greatly missed by this reader of your blog. I'll check back in a few months to see. Take care of that aging ankle.

  3. Lovely to see this post from you Phil ... you have been missed.

    A wonderful account of your holiday to Greece and I did enjoy seeing all of your bird sightings and lovely views.

    I do hope your arthritic ankle is less painful now.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  4. Copy and paste this to get all the instructions you need to get rid of lily beetles and their eggs without pesticides. Thank you for the very nice comment. I've used the soap in water method to kill Japanese beetles, also. Just hold the bowl up to the stem and tap the stem to knock them off. Works the same as the lily beetles.


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