Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Another Week Goes By

The week ahead didn’t promise much in the way of weather suitable for ringing birds. Tuesday looked the best possibility, a brief lull in the showery westerlies at best. Once again the Internet and TV weather forecasts became compulsive viewing, and far better than the BBC's "News". 

It was touch and go until 0700 when I met up with Will and Andy at the ringing site to zero rain and a touch of breeze that spelt "just about". 

It quickly became apparent that the plan to catch more Linnets would be thwarted by the now stiff breeze that scurried across the seed plot. However, other slightly sheltered nets, plus the standalone whoosh net might produce a bird or two. 

Early sounds of Redwings and Blackbirds were followed by a good mix of 24 birds caught - 12 Greenfinch, 6 Meadow Pipit, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Blackbird, 1 Redwing, 1 Wren, 1 Dunnock, 1 Goldfinch. 


Meadow Pipit


Just yesterday we received news of Meadow Pipit ALP8836 ringed here on 9 September 2022. Sixteen days later on 25 September the same bird was caught by another ringer at Buckfastleigh, Devon. 

A glance at the map below will show that the pipit had travelled virtually due south (190 degrees) and was probably on its way across the English Channel, on to France and eventual destination North Africa, the wintering haunt of many British Meadow Pipits. 

Pilling to Buckfastleigh, Devon

Birding provided more interest in the shapes and sounds of 70 or more Linnets that we couldn't catch, more Greenfinches, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and a Great-spotted Woodpecker. Two Stonechats played hide and seek in amongst the seed plot while the now resident Cetti's Warbler seems to have regular spots where it breaks into song.

It may have been the Marsh Harrier we saw or more likely, a dashing and unseen Peregrine that set many hundreds of Lapwing, Golden Plovers, Starlings and Black-headed Gulls into a melee of wings and sounds overhead and looking for safety to the west.       

Nothing much bothers the Little Egrets or the lonesome Grey Herons, they seem to have all the time in the world to continue their stalking through the water courses in search of a meal.  

Grey Heron

Well, what do you know? The weather forecasts say nothing until weekend at least. Another week goes by but we don't give in that easily.

Stay tuned to Another Bird Blog for news, views and photos, local or otherwise.

Linking this weekend to Eileen's Saturday Blog and Birding in Texas.


  1. Hello,
    Great photos, I love the Greenfinch, the pretty Goldfinch and the Grey heron.
    It sounds like you had some great catches and sightings. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Hello Phil, it

    It only takes one bird to fly off quickly to alert others to follow. It's a good alarm system if a preditor is near but you know Phil, sometimes I think it's a ploy as on my balcony I notice this happening and then the one that flew away first, returns to have the feeders to itself.:=) Lovely shots of the birds.
    All the best

  3. It is a difficult time Phil, but your info is always useful especially for people like me who don't get out much. Keep the camera rolling. take care.

  4. Between ringing and birding it seems to me you had a good morning!

    The weather. I have pretty much resigned myself to looking at the radar images the night before and then again as soon as I get out of bed. If it seems less than a 50% chance of rain off we go. My incredibly scientific analysis of tee-vee weather reporters/prognosticators/climate specialists has concluded they are entertainers.

    We are enjoying mild mornings, an incredible autumn wildflower season and tourist birds from the far north. Good times!

    Gini and I hope the weather is kind to you over the coming days. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Hello Phil,

    I would be happy to see all these birds. The birds and photos are beautiful.
    Good luck with your ringing, happy birding. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. You caught some beautiful birds. Nice to see the details in the closeup shots. The accurate straight line navigation of the birds surprise me.

  7. That Pipit seems to be on a mission to get to its winter home.

  8. I hope your weekend has good weather for getting outside. I love seeing the birds you capture and those you don't....like the Heron! He might object to being held for a photo! lol

  9. Sweet little birds, and the grey heron is a beauty!

  10. Suffice to say, weather is a huge factor in ringing success. As the same for birding for pleasure. Needless to say a little time ringing is better than none.

    Great photos Phil.

    Thanks for taking time to link in!!

  11. Lovely photograph of the Grey Heron.

    All the best Jan


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