Monday, January 31, 2022

Are We Surprised?

The answer is no. This happens more often than we know. All animal and bird lovers and those who enjoy the countryside should know what goes on when they are not around. 

Full marks to the RSPB and to the member of the public who realised what was going on.


I'm back soon. With positive news and no sickening, cowardly scumbags to spoil this blog.



  1. This should be required viewing in every child's classroom with instruction on how to stop the behavior. Knowledge is power.

    Ignorance will be our downfall.

    “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.”
    ― Isaac Newton

  2. Shocking footage. The law does need tightening up around the use of those cages.

  3. Luckily probably for me, I cannot play the video. But it sounds horrendous. We have some very strange people living in this world.
    Cheers Diane

  4. Well done Phil, I will make sure that as many of my friends as possible see this. Well done to expose thi. Take care.


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