Monday, August 23, 2021

New Wellies, New Birds

It was no coincidence that I decided to buy a new pair of wellies. Last week saw day after day of mizzle, drizzle, rain and cloud, the ultimate manifestation of an English “summer”. Hardly surprising then that the number of birds ringed during a week of rained off and blown away could be counted on the fingers of one hand - four Linnets. And then the old boots leaked, but Ebay came to the rescue with a pair of Dunlop “Blizzard” thermal wellies - perfect for the coming days and weeks of summer. 

New Wellies
Monday 23rd began with more drizzle but the forecast was OK so I set off for a ringing session. By the time I reached Cockerham village there was no rain, the grey sky had fizzled out and there was zero wind. Just the job. 

From the off Linnets began to move west and south in small parties of anything between 5 and 30 so that by 1030 when I packed in at least 140 had passed through the area. 

The catch of birds was better, 8 additional Linnets, 2 more Reed Warbler and an unexpected but very welcome Garden Warbler. These young, silky smooth and immaculate Garden Warblers are simply beautiful to behold. 

Garden Warbler
Garden Warbler

Reed Warbler
Brown Hare

Birding was unspectacular and highlighted by a persistent Sparrowhawk that soared around for a while and took a special interest in the groups of Linnets knocking about. The Linnets plus a handful of Swallows were having none of it as they took it in turns to harass the hawk until it fled the scene without a meal. 

There does seem to be a number of Sparrowhawks around at the moment, perhaps another species to benefit from humans being locked away for months where they can’t harm, birds of prey, intentionally or not. 

Birding consisted of small numbers of Goldfinch and Greenfinch and one or more Sedge Warblers, none of which got caught. Two Grey Heron and a single Little Egret completed the scene apart from a single Whimbrel that flew over calling its seven whistles. 

The weather is looking ok for the rest of the week. It’s probably Wednesday for me as tomorrow is a day out with two of the grandkids . Wish me luck. 

Linking this weekend to Eileen's Saturday Blog and Anni's Texas Blog.

PS. Here are a couple of photos from our day with the grandkids  - Knott End to Fleetwood. Click the pics for the journey. 

L.S. Lowry and his dog in a hurry to catch the ferry.

Knott  End

There was a lack of tidal water in the channel but sufficient for the ferry’s first trip of the day where slippery mud has to be cleared from the jetty before passengers embark.   A pair of wellies might be better than boots?

Knott End Jetty

Knott End Slipway

There's a reason for the name "slipway".

Across the water

The price of fish – a Fleetwood family wait anxiously for the return of their bread winner from a week or more fishing trip in the Irish Sea and beyond. 

Welcome Home

In Memoriam

On the ferry

Close that door

Close that door

Mmm! Wallings Ice Cream

Back soon with more birds and birding.



  1. Hi Phil! :) Oh that Garden Warbler has a sweet face. I love the photo of the hare!!! Those are some nice Wellies!!! I used to buy cheap rain boots all the time, and of course, I'd have to replace them every year or so...I decided last fall to get a sturdy pair and they look like they'll last forever!

  2. That's a cool shot of the furry bird with the long ears!
    Nice shots - and enjoy the new wellies.
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. Hello,
    I am sure your new wellies will get a lot of use. The Garden Warbler is adorable, I also like the Linnet and Reed Warbler and the cute Hare. Great series of photos. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  4. Yet another fabulous photo series, Phil. I especially love that shot of the hare.

  5. Great expression on that hare's face.

  6. Very happy to hear the weather cooperated a bit! Hope that continues.

    Of course, I have no idea what I'm talking about, but from your past posts it seems the ringing was good today. You are right about the beauty of that Garden Warbler.

    Those wellies are awesome looking! It's a sad fact that as much as I would love to have a pair, they would receive very little use around here. Besides, I wouldn't know how to behave with dry feet after an outing.

    Gini and I are hoping Sirius moves along soon. As much as we love this humidity and heat, a fresh breeze wouldn't hurt.

    All the best.

  7. What A Shot Of That Sparrowhawk - Well Done


  8. Now, Phil! Those are SOME wellies!!! And I hope those kids had Flakes with their ice cream!

  9. Hello Phil,
    I love the closeups of all your birds, the Garden Warbler is pretty. Adorable shot of the Brown hare. Looks like you had a fun outing with the grandkids. I like the sculptures and the cute little ferry. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  10. We encounter quite a bit of mud and dew-laden grass. Wellies would certainly be more comfortable than wet boots, but I doubt they would protect from the strike of a Cottonmouth Water Moccasin. I like the understated beauty of the Garden Warbler. Looked like a fun time with the grandkids.

  11. I'm sure time spent with grandkids was the highlight of your week!! Fun.
    Those birds are all super. Enjoyed all the photos Phil And, no doubt those boots are going to be steady companions for weeks to come!!

    Linking in this week, and sharing is much appreciated. Thanks, and happy birding!
    ~Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

  12. Your new wellies look great!
    I love spending time with the grandkids, such fun!
    Great to see your selection of photographs, I did enjoy them.

    Take care

    All the best Jan


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