Friday, February 8, 2019

Snowflake Birders

When extreme feminism, faux outrage and the ensuing kowtowing to such stupidity infects the everyday common sense world of birding, we know the world has gone truly mad. 

This apparently true story is from The Daily Telegraph of 5th February 2019. I really don’t know whether to laugh out loud at the crass foolishness or to cry with anger. 

“The RSPB has condemned one of its former officers after he gave a “sexist” bird watching talk that compared sparrows to female prostitutes. 

Ex-Tamworth RSPB officer Chris Edwards was accused of “everyday sexism” after he gave a talk in Birmingham on January 26, organised to coincide with the annual Big Garden Birdwatch. 

At the free event to around 60 people, Mr Edwards is reported as saying of mating sparrows ,“the female does the equivalent of going out on the street corner, calling to attract a male, mating, sending the male off to get food, and then heading back to the street corner”. 


One audience member was so disgusted she walked out in protest and the RSPB has since expressed its shock at the “inappropriate comments”. 

Ann Kiceluk, the RSPB's people director, said she was surprised by the former visitor and promotion officer’s remarks. "We are shocked to hear reports of inappropriate language being used at an event that should be celebrating everyone coming together for the Big Garden Birdwatch,” she said. “This is not acceptable. There is no place for derogatory or offensive language on our reserves, in our workplaces or at our events.” 

Writing on her blog, one birdwatcher, Lorna Prescott said she felt “physically sick” at the language used by Mr Edwards, who used to work at RSPB reserve Middleton Lakes in Tamworth, Warwickshire. 

Ms Prescott, a senior development officer for Dudley Council for Voluntary Service said: “The way Chris described [sparrow mating] made me feel physically sick, I couldn't actually believe I was giving time and attention to a person who would say and do this." 

Ms Prescott added that she was shocked by Mr Edwards’ added emphasis on the breeding behaviour of the hedge sparrow, commonly called a Dunnock, during the talk organised by Moor Pool Wildlife Group. 

“Just in case he hadn't quite driven home this slur on women, he had a slide to accompany his pronouncement that he doesn't call it a Dunnock, he calls it a trollop,” she wrote. “I'm not sure how many other women in the room felt uncomfortable.” 


Although it did not organise or support the talk at Grade II listed Moor Pool Hall in Birmingham, the RSPB reiterated its commitment to inclusion following complaints about the event. Ms Kiceluk added: "We did not know about the event and Mr Edwards was not representing the RSPB. “We believe that everyone has the right to enjoy our natural world and amazing wildlife. The RSPB has an important role to play in providing spaces and events that are open and welcoming to all, we take our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion very seriously.” 

But for people interested in birds rather than making nonsensical political gestures here’s a link to an article that correctly describes the complicated sex-life of the much loved Dunnock. 


Give it a read and find yourself amazed and intrigued rather than outraged. 

Linking this post to Anni's Birding and Viewing Nature with Eileen..


  1. If ever the expression "Get a Life" was appropriate this is it! This brings the meaning of The Royal Society for the PROTECTION of birds to a whole new level, especially those with besmirched reputations. No doubt the Secretary bird will be filing the appropriate papers so that a law suit can be launched. Maybe the Bishops will weigh in on the immorality of it all. And who knows what might happen if the Adjutants get involved. If it goes to court I will have to Crane my neck to see what goes on and make sure this dastardly individual does not Duck responsibility. Owl I have you know justice will be wisely meted out. Okay - enough already! Were I an RSPB member, I might think twice about renewing my membership!

  2. I had a good laugh over your post and David's comment. Great Dunnock photos.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. Oh Dear some people will exception to anything. This is what these birds do like it or lump it. Have a good weekend Phil.

  4. Hi Phil, stopping back to say thank you for linking up your post. Have a happy day and weekend.

  5. Life has become quite ridiculous with sexism and racism, not to mention harassment and all the other stupid health and safety ideas. In this day and age, you can hardly do anything or say anything without it being misunderstood. I read the other day that now "Mary Poppins" is described as racist and of course, Noddy and Big Ears are Gays. Part of my life growing up!!! Enough said.

    Love the Dunnock there is always one in our garden but I guess there is a second one somewhere around.

    Have a good Sunday. Diane

  6. All I can say is - this is the icing on the cake!! I want to say, "I can't believe it"...but, I do. Supposedly women (females) are harassed by males (all males are evil). It's so stupid, really. And then to carry it further to birding...these women need a life (and a boy toy to appease their sexual frustrations)

    Thanks for sharing with us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week and for the birthday wishes. Great photos, as always, Phil

  7. Jesus, what kind of kinky stuff are those Dunnocks doing in that last photo?

  8. All right I know I'm not a birder and I don't live in the UK, but I am not familiar with Dunnocks. I guess I need to click your link and go read. The things that drive people crazy

  9. Well that brought a smile to my face on an otherwise dull morning.

  10. Good lord! At first I thought I was reading from something like “The Onion” , (over here a well-known satirical “news”paper.). If true, those women badly need a sense of humor transplant.

  11. Wow. This is why I don't join groups and enjoy living in solitude--that way, I don't go to jail for slapping stupid people!!

  12. You must have a good eye? I would just think these are all finches. So similar yet I am sure different.


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