Monday, January 14, 2019

Slaughter In Spain

I offer no apologies for the photographs in this post. They should be shared far and wide, mostly to our representatives in the EU and the UK. 

The slaughter of birds for amusement continues apace in many countries in Europe. It is commonplace in Spain, France, Portugal, Greece, Malta and Cyprus to name the most notorious. 

From my friend in Spain, Fernando Gavilian Lopez. 

De cómo exterminar al Zorzal común. Capítulo 2. Imágenes de esta semana subidas a las redes sociales en España. La especie se nos va. 

Google Translation - How to annihilate the Song Thrush. Episode 2. Images uploaded to social networks this week in Spain. The species is going away.

I am so angry that words fail me. Isn't this what we adults should be doing in 2019?

Thank you.

Linking this post to Stewart's World Bird Wednesday.


  1. It is shameful. I just don't understand it.

  2. It is so very sorrowful to see those images!

  3. I don't know what more can be said, Phil. I sometimes think that there is no level of depravity, stupidity, callousness, brutality, idiosy - pick your noun and add a few - to which humans will not sink. To think that this is going on in 2019 confounds me. Have we learned nothing? The answer obviously is no. And the bold, noble, daring hunters are so proud of their spoils they flaunt them on social media! Interesting that these cowards don't show their faces though.

  4. This infuriates me! They should lock "em up & throw away the key!! Now you've gone & done it. P!ssed me off (not you of course, but knowing there are ignorant, 'great white hunters' that kill for sport, when species populations dwindle

  5. Do you remember me saying I have never seen a Song Thrush in France? This is horrific, it just horrifies me to see what the human race is capable of. Very very sad and what for? This not sport, it is plain murder. Diane

  6. Do you remember me saying I have never seen a Song Thrush in France? I am just horrified seeing this of what the human race is capable of. What for? This is not sport but out and out murder! Diane

  7. I am not shocked, I've seen it all before and it totally disgusts me.

  8. Absolutely horrible!!!! They even make little artistic piles of them. Disgusting. They should have more respect for what God has created. Thanks for posting this!

  9. This is simply awful, and I just don't understand it.

    All the best Jan

  10. Oh my god, what is wrong with people? Can anything be done? (Is it possible that these countries have more clueless and evil leaders than we do right now?


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