Wednesday, January 2, 2019

All Fired Up…....

…... and somewhere to go. After the news on New Year’s Eve that Linnet AYD5167 had been ringed on North Ronaldsay Orkney it didn’t need much persuasion to get out ringing again. Even better, the forecast promised near zero wind and a bright morning that would get hungry Linnets moving around. 

I met Andy at Gulf Lane to -2.5°C and where we hoped that lightning might strike twice by way of another ringed bird from the Highlands or the Islands. 

Gulf Lane - Pilling/Cockerham  - 2nd January 2019

Gulf Lane - Pilling/Cockerham 2nd January 2019

We set up the ringing station in Andy’s hatchback and made a mental note that now into 2019 all birds become a calendar year older and ageing codes change overnight; first year 3s become 5s and adult 4s magic into 6s.

Just think, if we could do that with friends and relatives we could post every birthday card on the First of January and never again worry about being in the doghouse by missing that vital one.

Oops, the first Linnet went onto the field sheet as a “3”, but we soon got into the swing of it and kicked off the ringing year with 27 new Linnets and zero recaptures. Twenty seven was our best catch of the winter, probably helped by the frosty start and the Linnets’ keenness to eat, not least on the bucket of fresh, dry millet and rape seed we deposited on the frozen ground.

Our best spot count this morning was of a maximum 300 Linnets, the only other small birds in the immediate area being Wren and Dunnock.

Linnet - first winter male Age "5".

The catch this morning comprised 12 first winter male, 8 adult male, 6 first winter female and 1 adult female; once again, a preponderance of males.

Field Sheet - 2nd January 2019

Here’s wishing all followers and readers of Another Bird Blog a Happy and Bird Filled New Year. 

Back soon with more about Linnets and other birds.

Linking today to Eileen's Blogspot.


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty successful morning. What I cannot understand is how your hands work at that temperature to do the ringing. My hands stop working at around 4C!! Good luck for the next session. Diane

  2. Not a bad way to start the New Year, huh? I think you might have set your expectations a little too high, hoping for another bird banded in the far northern regions. But hope springs eternal in the bird bander’s breast doesn’t it? I will look forward to the next episode of the Phil and Andy show!

  3. It looks very cold in your part of the country. The linnet looks happy enough though! Have a great 2019 :)

  4. Brrr … that does look cold.
    Love the picture of the Linnet.

    Here's to a good 2019.

    All the best Jan

  5. Hello Phil.
    300 Linnets - great number!
    You have winter there.
    Happy New year!

  6. Wow! It's a wonderful hobby! Good for you!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  7. It does look SO cold! But it's great when you get out and have a successful time! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Such a nice beginning for the year! Love your header photo, too.

  9. Hello Phil, so sorry I am late commenting. I enjoyed your post and photo of the Linnet. A count of 300 Linnets sounds good to me. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day and week ahead. I also appreciate your visit and comment.


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