Friday, May 11, 2018

Guess Where

Regular readers will know where Sue and I are this week. That’s right - Sunny Menorca, our annual treat after the British winter. The winter just gone was the worst for many a year so we are really ready for this respite. 

First and foremost this is a holiday of rest & relaxation with a few birds thrown in for good measure.  Sue tells me a holiday should not include blogging so I scheduled this post before we left to include pictures from recent years.

Apologies if some seem familiar but sit back at your PC, “click the pics” and enjoy some of that the Mediterranean sunshine as we take in a few birds and landscapes of glorious Menorca. 

Menorcan Panda 

Bee Eater 

Donkey Love 

Red-footed Falcon 

Egyptian Vulture 


Es Grau Nature Reserve 

Sardinian Warbler 


Es Mignorn 



Egyptian Vultures

View from El Toro, Menorca

Scop's Owl 

Purple Heron 

Tawny Pipit 

Black-winged Stilt 

Turtle Dove 

Es Grau, Menorca 

Hermann's Tortoise 

Squacco Heron 

Es Mercadal, Menorca 

Bee Eater 

Woodchat Shrike 

Spotted Flycatcher 

Fornells Village, Menorca 

A hot day in Menorca 

Back soon. Don't start birding without me.


  1. Looks great Phil. Like I said before you should retire there..........

  2. Sue is right you know...and happy that you two have a chance for a nice getaway like this. I enjoyed the tour and look forward to your shares upon your return. Have fun in the sun, very hot and humid here after a too long Winter as well~

  3. Looks like you had a great time, and wow lots of bird shots as well and a few specials. I will be away most of next week so if you do not find me following you know why, I am not taking the laptop with me!!!
    Take care and enjoy your week Diane

  4. Oh so much to like in this post … I can't decide between the birds and the pretty villages … ok - I won't choose! (But I do like the Hoopoe very much.) And your better half is right - take a break!!! We will still be here when you return!

  5. Hello, these are all lovely photos from your trip! Have fun and safe travels.
    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  6. We hope you and Sue are truly able to relax and recharge the batteries from such a draining winter.

    I took your advice, sat back with a fresh cuppa, and clicked the pics.

    What an enjoyable travelogue! Who cares if some of these images have been seen before? With my poor memory I wouldn't know anyway - :)

    Take care, enjoy the sun, the sights, the sounds and most of all, each other.

    Safe journey home.


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