Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Mainly Pics

I took lots of pictures up in Bowland this morning, almost 400 and easily packed onto half of an SD card. I know there are some who refuse to abandon the traditional 35mm film photography, but give me digital photography, computers and Photoshop any old day. 

It was a morning of waders again with a number of Snipe on show, plus Redshanks and Oystercatchers with young. I even managed a picture of the very shy Red Grouse. Other highlights of the morning included two Ring Ouzel and at least one Cuckoo, but all too distant to photograph.

Click the pics for a closer look.



Red Grouse

Snipe seemed especially active this morning whereby I saw 8/10 individuals in poses, behaviour or voice that suggested they now have young.





Bowland, Lancashire

A barely fledged Redshank  had quickly learnt about using dry stone walls as a parent looks on.

Redshank chick


Meadow Pipit

Pied Wagtail

Bowland, Lancashire


War Memorial, Bowland

That's all for today. Come back soon for more birding. photographs or ringing with Another Bird Blog.

Linking today to  Viewing Nature With Eileen.


  1. How great to see the young redshank, and one so clever already! Your photos are always beautiful, Phil.

  2. Great set of photos Phil I'm particularly impressed with the Snipe. I'm with you all the way as regards the digital age, if only we had had it in the seventies and eighties, I've got tunns of stuff on 35mil slides, hardly ever see the light of day.
    All the best, Gordon.

  3. Beautiful series, Phil! The red grouse made me laugh; he doesn't look too thrilled. :)

  4. Fantastic photos. I love these waders, they are so beautiful birds. Good to see your Pied Wagtail, they aren't live in our country.

  5. Looks like you had a great day.

    I haven't seen a Red Grouse for years........

  6. Good morning Phil: Several years ago, in the hill country of Derbyshire, I first encountered Red Grouse. Spectacular bird in spectacular habitat. If ever I make it back to the UK I will make it a mission to return to that part of the country.

  7. A fabulous pictorial post Phil, loved it.
    Many thanks

    All the best Jan

  8. Hello, I feel the same about digital cameras. So much easier than film. Your bird photos are awesome too. I love the Snipe, Grouse and Oystercatcher. The Redshank is a beautiful bird. I have always loved your Lapwing, I wish I saw them here. Pretty scene with the sheep. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  9. Wonderful shots of birds. Very nice variety.

  10. Beautiful birds! I have seen only a couple of Snipes in the wild, and I am still amazed at the length of their bills

  11. love them all but that lapwing is a stunner

  12. Just LOVE the red grouse, and the redshank chick! Great photos. It was very nice to see the War memorial as well. Thanks for an awesome post. Have a great week!

  13. Wonderful captures, a great Post.

  14. Your bird photos are always outstanding, Phil.
    Thanks for sharing at


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