Thursday, April 13, 2017

Timely Advice

Migrants are trickling north in ones and two without any signs of a major arrival to enliven a morning’s birding. Ringing is on hold while cold north westerlies predominate and this week I’ve been busy with half-term duties. 

I’m hoping to go birding Friday and/or Saturday, but in the meantime this week came timely reminders on the reporting of rare breeding birds from Mark Holling of the UK’s Rare Breeding Birds Panel and Mark Thomas of RSPB Investigations,  here.

They suggest a long list of species where news blackouts should apply in circumstances suggestive of breeding or potential breeding unless public viewing has been arranged:
Black-throated Diver 
Little Bittern 
Cattle Egret 
Great White Egret 
Purple Heron 
Eurasian Spoonbill 
Red-necked Grebe 
Slavonian Grebe 
Black-necked Grebe 
Honey Buzzard 
White-tailed Eagle 
Peregrine Falcon 
Montagu's Harrier 
Baillon's Crake 
Common Crane 
Black-winged Stilt 
Temminck's Stint 
Purple Sandpiper 
Green Sandpiper 
Wood Sandpiper 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Snowy Owl 
Long-eared Owl 
European Bee-eater 
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 
Golden Oriole 
Red-backed Shrike 
Penduline Tit 
Savi's Warbler
Marsh Warbler

Peregrine Falcon

Long-eared Owl

Lesser-spotted Woodpecker - Crossley ID Guide Britain & Ireland 

"By nature of their rarity, rare breeding birds are vulnerable to disturbance, but to do so deliberately is against the law. Although some species, particularly raptors, are still persecuted by game managers in some areas, there has been an increasing incidence of disturbance by birdwatchers and especially by bird photographers. Although such disturbance may be accidental, inconsiderate or careless behaviour can lead to birds deserting their nests or losing their eggs or young to predators.” 

The list includes species that are now beginning to make their mark in the UK as new colonisers but also one or two like Lesser-spotted Woodpecker, Long-eared Owl, Peregrine and even the once common Ruff, all subject to relentless chasing around pressure in this area should they appear either in or out of the breeding season. 

If only all bird watchers, including local ones, had taken note of the sensible advice and guidance above, we may have avoided the recent deliberate shooting dead of a Peregrine Falcon at St Anne’s-on-Sea, 15 miles from here and where the birds were subjected to almost daily visits and reportage on Internet social media.

Linking today to Eileen's Saturday Blog.



  1. Lovely photos, Phil, and I especially love the owl and the woodpeckers!

  2. Didn't hear about the Peregrine. Why the hell did someone shoot it? The mind boggles.

  3. That is sad news about the Peregrine , there are some mindless buggers about.

  4. I agree absolutely. It is past time for the bird watching fraternity to recognize its own role in disturbing nesting birds. I think we often view ourselves through rose-coloured spectacles but we are often as culpable as other more visibly intrusive segments of society. As always, Phil, a fine post, which, as your blog often does, makes us stop and reflect.

  5. Hello, it makes sense to give the breeding birds their space and peace. I have never seen a Ruff, I believe they are rare in our area. Maybe some day, I can wish. It is sad to hear the Peregrine was shot.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  6. Interesting post. Very nice photos. I also hope that you'll be able to go birding soon. Greetings!

  7. Awesome close ups of the falcon, owl and woodpeckers ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  8. Lovely to see all of the photographs.
    So sad to read about the Peregrine Falcon ...

    I hope you've enjoyed the half term break!

    Happy Easter Wishes

    All the best Jan

  9. That is so can anyone disturb a nest...especially if they call themselves a birder. And to shoot a bird like that is horrible beyond words. I'm so sorry. I wish we could just ban guns entirely, but as I'm sure you know that's never gonna happen here.

  10. WOW... CANNOT imagine such as one killing for whatever stupid reason a Peregrine Falcon! That just makes me sad and angry at the same time...mindless people~


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