Thursday, February 18, 2016

Frozen Fingers

The car door was frozen solid thanks to yesterday’s rain followed by a frosty night. “Minus 2°C” - “Danger of Ice” said the dash display when I eventually got into the car. 

There was a choice - head up to Oakenclough for a ringing session or drive out Pilling way for a spot of birding. I chose ringing, braved the frozen ropes and poles and worked through the early pain barrier of icy fingers. 

I was pleased I did as a total of 18 birds was pretty good for a lone effort, including as it did an unexpected bonus in the shape of a Brambling and more of the target finches. Totals today: 7 Goldfinch, 5 Chaffinch, 2 Blue Tit, 1 Great Tit, 1 Robin, 1 Lesser Redpoll and 1 Brambling. 

Bramblings have been very scarce during this very mild winter but this time of year is one of the better periods in which to see this close relative of the common Chaffinch. Better still to catch one, today’s an adult female caught in the company of Chaffinches. 



The single Lesser Redpoll was the first bird of the morning. Although an obvious adult male the early morning sun emphasised the red of the photograph. 

Lesser Redpoll

Lesser Redpoll

There’s no need to accentuate the red in a Robin Redbreast or the red in the face of a Goldfinch or a Chaffinch. 




The morning’s birding was rather limited due to working alone whilst ringing. Of note came 1 Buzzard, 20+ Chaffinch, 1 Siskin, 2 Great-spotted Woodpecker, 1 Sparrowhawk, 4 Cormorant and 6 Oystercatcher.


There are more birds very soon via Another Bird Blog. Don't miss out.

Linking today to I'd Rather be Birding and also Eileen's Saturday Blog.


  1. Good for you for toughing it out and doing some banding, Phil. I admire that kind of fortitude, but I guess the word Lanzarotte rang loud and clear in your head!

  2. Braing the cold both you and your feathered friends!!

  3. I think you made a rught call and got a good number of birds to ring adn photograph. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. So cute and beautiful these little birds !
    Great shots.
    Greeitings from Germany

  5. splendid layer s of coloration birds I do not see here such an education for me Thanks

  6. The goldfinch is a stunner of a shot.

  7. What awesome birds ~ so beautiful and as usual so well photographed ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  8. Brambling are such great birds - and the colours on some of the more common birds are remarkable. If they were rare, people would go into raptures about them I think.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  9. Working solo, I think you did VERY well.
    And as always Phil, your photos are marvelous. ALWAYS!!

    Hope it warmed up for you. That's why we moved south. lol I am a wuss when i comes to cold....coming from me, who grew up in Colorado where it's wintry 6-9 months out of the year.

    Sorry I'm late getting around to visit with you this weekend. I was gone all day yesterday....birding, of course!! Thanks for joining in by adding your valued link of your fantastic [ringing] post!!

  10. Hello Phil, gorgeous variety of birds and lovely photos. It is hard to choose a favorite, they are all beautiful birds.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  11. Hello Phil!:) Excellent choice, and excellent photos! I didn't realize, until seeing your photo's that the Brambling was such a beautiful bird.

  12. Those birdies all seem to be saying, "Unhand me, though varlet human!!"

    Although I'm probably just anthropomorphizing...

    Nice work, Phil, and great photos.

  13. Some of the commoner birds in the UK make for great portrait shots............

  14. I can't even imagine how you take those amazing portraits working solo, let alone do the banding ... All while freezing to the bone! Thanks for doing it though and sharing ..all Such colorful birds this time (of course you didn't share a picture of the buzzard, who I'd suspect isn't as colorful ...and who I'd definitely be afraid to band!)

  15. They look so relaxed during their glamour shot session. They're all little beauties.

  16. That Goldfinch is so colourful.


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