Friday, November 15, 2013

Diversion Day

A grey old start to Friday saw me out birding at Pilling for a good three hours. While I saw a decent number of birds I didn’t get many pictures. Never mind there are sunny pictures towards the end of the page.

I set off from Fluke heading east and along the edge of the marsh, where if the Hi Fly blokes see anyone walking they will tell them it’s private. But it’s just a ten minute walk to join up with the public footpath and then two digits to Hi Fly. 

On the flooded stubble still lots of Black-tailed Godwits at 85+, Lapwings at more than 240, 18 Redshank, 6 Snipe, 22 Linnet, 60 Skylark and a single Curlew Sandpiper. It’s getting a little late in the year for Curlew Sandpipers, a species which is a spring and autumn migrant. 

On and around the Hi Fly pools were 2 Reed Bunting, 1 Green Sandpiper, 35 Shelduck and 5 Teal. On the marsh, 35 Whooper Swans and 11 Little Egret.

Reed Bunting

Back home Sue and I started to research a winter break in the sun in 2014, including looking at previous years’ adventures. There are pros and cons for each place whether that is cost, journey time, time of year to visit, previous experiences, Trip Advisor reviews, shopping, sight-seeing, and of course quality and quantity of birds or the lack of. 

So I’m sharing some pictures from recent years with blog readers for their consideration and/or advice as to where the next foray should be. What is perhaps surprising is the birds shown in these pictures also occur in the UK, the single exception being Southern Grey Shrike, however the closely related Great Grey Shrike is an autumn and winter visitor to the UK. 

I actually rather enjoy seeing familiar birds in unfamiliar places as it gives a perspective on the universal commonality or scarcity of a species, so while it can be stimulating to see new birds it isn’t the be all and end all of a sunshine holiday. Here we go in no particular order. I hope everyone enjoys looking at these touristy pictures. There might be a few reruns but there are also new ones. 

Don’t forget to “click the pics” for close-up views.


Little Egret - Fuerteventura

Bamboo - Fuertventura


Black Redstart - Cyprus

Lizard - Cyprus

House Sparrow - Cyprus

Egrets - Egypt

Cattle Egret - Egypt


Southern Grey Shrike - Lanzarote

Woodchat Shrike - Greece

Skopelos - Greece

Skiathos - Greece

Red-backed Shrike - Skiathos, Greece


Hoopoe - Menorca

Heerman's Tortoise - Menorca

 Tawny Pipit - Menorca

I just realised - the sun seems to be shining in each of those pictures. Fingers crossed for better weather soon on Another Bird Blog. 

Linking today to Camera Critters and Anni's Blog.


  1. As always your photos from your past trips are stunning. I'm with you on finding the same birds in new places. They're still as exciting as when I saw them at home. What I see is that behave differently around the vegetation and water types.....I think that's what's exciting about finding an old species in new habitat.

  2. I haven't been to any of your choices so can't help, but it is interesting to see the same species in different parts of the world. The sun is always shining somewhere else - just as the grass is greener! I'm sure wherever you go you'll enjoy the break.

  3. Hi Phil, that Reed Bunting photo is really special, sweet looking bird with the touch of chestnut on its wing. I'm liking also the Black Redstart from Cyprus; it's also a charmer! If I ever got to see a Hoopoe for real (which I won't), I'd be over the moon. They are the quirkiest combo' of accessories ever; what a fabulous photo showing all this off so well. Enjoy your holiday-making plans Phil.

  4. Nice numbers of birds on your trip yesterday!
    That seems like a lot of Lapwings!

    Your tourist photos are so good it makes it difficult to recommend a location. It would seem to be a question of where was your overall best memory, exclusive of birding? (I know, heresy!) Short of that, continue your research into a new location. Good luck!

    Hope the sun shines this weekend for you! Cheers.

  5. I love planning vacations, it is almost as much fun as going on them. So much research can be found on the internet. I would be happy with the birds you found on the your outing. The Reed Bunting is gorgeous. As are all the vacation birds. Happy birding and travels.

  6. Great place with such beautiful birds.

  7. Skiathos, Greece does it for me, yet then again, so does Cyprus, and then there is Menorca. There down to 3, haha, I am a big help. We have already begun planning our journey for next September. We always head where there are not so many people and we so enjoy our National Park system...when they are open...just saying ;) I enjoyed your images and that little Reed Bunting...Love that~

  8. I've seen the Hoopoe only in photos, and so would like to see one in person. The red shrike is pretty too.

    As are all your vacation photos!!!

  9. Wonderful photos! They all look like great places to visit.

  10. I certainly think all of those places look great for birds and sunshine alike! I always like to go new places! I look forward to hearing where you decide to go!

  11. Awesome serie of photos, so many great birds!

  12. Interesting places, I like to some birds species from home in other countries. They have a wide range or better options to travel.

  13. My experience is very different. I find it interesting that there are so many different birds in so many different places. None of these birds, except perhaps the small Egret are found around where I live, so this is quite a treat to see so many new birds to me. Thanks ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  14. Wonderful critters and fantastic photography of them ~ thanks, carol, xxx

  15. Wonderful shots of the birds, turtle, scenery and buildings.

  16. Your photos are so perfect.... always.. thats not fair.
    Really, they are great.
    Have you ever thought about spending your vacations at Korsika? I am sure you would like it.

  17. All of those places are so wonderfully exotic to me -- I can't imagine choosing between them, they are all so far out of my imagination! Wherever you choose, I know you'll see wonderful birds and get wonderful pictures. And hopefully enjoy some lounging in the sun.

  18. i met a new bird here today, hoopoe.

  19. It doesn't seem to matter where you go you seem able to find interesting birdlife.

  20. Beautiful photos!Great photographer!


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