Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hat, Scarf and Gloves

The wind had swung around to a near perfect northerly making for a hat, scarf and gloves start and the thought that after Friday’s thrush rush and Saturday’s blank, Sunday’s grey morning might be hard work. It was - not a single Redwing or Fieldfare but a few bits and pieces to relate. 

I started at Conder Green and the solid, reliable stuff. The Teal never disappoint even if they don’t do a lot other than loaf around the creeks, dibbing and dabbing here and there, 95 of them today with 2 Goosanders trying but failing to blend in unnoticed. The 2 Spotted Redshanks were in the self-same spot below the road along with several Redshanks and a Little Egret. 

The pool was equally quiet with birds but distant - 5 Little Grebes, 4 Wigeon, a lone Tufted Duck, a Pied Wagtail and 2 Meadow Pipits. Just one thing for it then - Lane Ends, Pilling where at least there would be geese and swans. 

The geese weren’t for dropping on their recent field with two people carrying binoculars stood there at the field edge. Wild wild geese don’t like, don’t trust humans, so why would the pinkies land and feed close to them? 

From the sea wall at Fluke I could see the many thousands of geese out on the marsh beyond Lane Ends. They would have to start again, send out a scouting party to find a quiet undisturbed field where they could feed and feel secure. The Whoopers are a little more tolerant than the geese. They let me take a picture through the hedge but kept a close eye with many of their 62 heads raised in suspicion. The first winter/juveniles have the greyish bill.

Whooper Swans

I made it to the wildfowler’s pools in time to see the flash of a Peregrine flying towards Lane Ends, and then a Sparrowhawk harassed by the Jackdaws. A number of Barnacle Geese came over looking for somewhere to feed but continued on their way inland. Poor (terrible) picture at ISO800.

Barnacle Geese

Not a lot else. The reliable Green Sandpiper, 2 Grey Wagtail, 20+ Skylark, 2 Snipe, 160 Teal and 40 or more Shelduck around the pools. 

More birds soon and a better mood I hope.

Linking this time to  Stewart's Gallery A Long Way Off.


  1. Don't fret - the weather's improving soon. Any orange breasted Robins yet, P?

  2. Our weather has been awful this weekend! My only birding has been out my window. Sounds like you had a good morning see the Teal, Swans and the Geese. Great shots! Happy Birding and have a great week!

  3. hat, scarf and gloves, bet that kind of feels good after the summer. The Whooper Swans look very elegant. You just never know how a day will pan out do you? At least you're out there with a chance Phil and always seem to make enough for an interesting blog post. It was nudging 40 degrees C. yesterday, southerly buster and a storm with showers came through last night and it is expected to only be half that temp. for today.

  4. Nice report, Phil. Reminds me of my outing yesterday though things seem cooler and more active where you are. I saw a sprinkling of geese and ducks and a single buzzard. Not a lot but enough to signal the arrival of the cooler months. No swans here yet.

  5. Sorry your mood appeared to match the weather.
    Hopefully, both will improve with the next outing.
    Still, seems to me you spotted a good number of birds.
    I empathize with the pinkies not trusting humans - me neither.

  6. The change of weather brings some wonderful birds to our shores... will be visiting Martin Mere in a few weeks to see the Pink foots and Whoopers.

  7. Brr! I'm not even sure that I could go out birding in that kind of weather. Even with all the disturbances you saw an interesting mix of birds. I especially liked the Whooper swans.

  8. The Barnacle Geese shot is great!! One of things I love about WBW is the stark contrast of our spring with your autumn.

  9. Swans are always a joy to see. We might get our first snow later this week and I think it's too early for snow.

  10. Sadly many of our birds are leaving us for warmer climes!

  11. A terrific capture of the Barnacle Geese in flight!

  12. A terrific capture of the Barnacle Geese in flight!

  13. I actually really like the flight shot of the barnacle geese. The slightly blurred tips of the wings depicts their movement perfectly!

  14. Beautiful are the birds photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  15. I love the changing seasons that bring very different birds to us. Geese are always fascinating. Lovely shots too.

  16. I love the changing seasons and the different birds they bring. Great shots.

  17. Was thinking the same (hats, scarfs and gloves) while on the moors at Bolton looking for the Glossy Ibis..... it was bitterly cold.

    Lovely report and images again Phil

  18. Hey Phil....I am alive and well it is Goggle goofing of with my commenting
    that has kept me from paying my buddy a visit!!
    Looks like your still are out there stocking those feather friends!!
    Your blood must be getting thin, it not the dead of winter you know!! I went for a walk yesterday in shorts, with temp's near 70 degrees, but here it could snow any day now!!
    A large flock of Canadian geese flew over in that lovely V shape Sunday heading south, but this morning I jumped out of bed when I heard the honking, and they was heading North HMMM!!
    Love those Whooper, I bet you need earmuffs when they are vocal!!

    You should be in a better mood now you have heard from your friend from across the pond!!

    Keep warm!!



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