Thursday, August 22, 2013

Run Around

It was the juvenile Wheatear at Lane Ends that gave me the run around for an hour or more and I’d given up trying to catch it so sat bird watching from the sea wall instead. Even as it ignored the meal worms the Wheatear let me take a few pictures. And then just as I was ready to leave and collect the traps the bird succumbed to the lure of a tasty snack. 


The Wheatear was a clear juvenile, and with of wing length of 96mm a probable male. 

Wheatear - first year 

There wasn’t much doing on the tide, 140 Teal again, 9 Little Egret and 3 Grey Heron, a juvenile Kestrel, and the “pip-pip” call of an overhead Grey Wagtail as a change from the pied variety. Teal are said to fly at 70mph; it seems faster than that when trying to take a photograph of them. 


I’d started off the morning at Conder Pool and Glasson again where there’s usually a decent selection of birds together with the chance of a picture or two. A few more waders this morning with 7 Black-tailed Godwit, 12 Snipe, 2 Common Sandpiper, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Greenshank, 1 Spotted Redshank, 250+ Lapwing, 3 Curlew and 40+ Redshank. 

Wildfowl and others: 9 Teal, 2 Wigeon, 2 Little Grebe, 2 Grey Heron, 1 Stock Dove, 3 Pied Wagtail and 1 female Sparrowhawk. 

Pied Wagtail

The usual counts of Wildfowl at Glasson Dock with 45 Coot, 15 Tufted Duck and 1 Goldeneye, the latter apparently now commuting to and from Conder Green, all of 400yards as the duck flies. A flock of of 16 Goldfinch feeding on thistles along the shore is the most Goldfinch I have seen together this autumn.

There seemed to be a good number of Swallows this morning, upwards of 50, with many hanging about the overhead wires, the road bridge and the many boats in the dock. So I contented myself with a few pictures and if all else fails the photogenic Barn Swallow always cooperates with a cameraman. 

Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

That’s all for today folks. More soon, plus a new book review for everyone with a curious mind, so be around.

Lonking today to Anni's Blog and Camera Critters .


  1. I love the first photo. You were clearly observing each other very closely.

  2. that first photo of the very alert wheatear is fantastic Phil

  3. The barn swallow certainly is photogenic, Phil, and the wheatear is delightful, but my favourite is the pied wagtail...a plump little bird with a wonderful name.
    PS—I sent my friend Judith the photo of the canal boats at Pilling. I have yet to meet a narrowboat face to face, but one of these years...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I must say whew, after a bit of panic already at 4:00 AM KY/USA time. Good took me nearly a full hour to get my blogging account to let me on. It kept saying I was using the wrong password...oh no I was not! I gave every little answer asked and finally at last, it was like, oh, so yes, that is your password, so let her pass;) I am so thrilled that I made it on too, the male Wheatear and oh my those glorious, sweet faced Swallows have turned a panic mode hour, into a pleasant greeting for my Friday. Happy weekend Phil~

  6. Phil, your Wheatear is beautiful. And I love the swallows, I think the swallows here have moved on already. It seems early. Happy birding and have a great weekend!

  7. the young wheatear is adorable with its soft coloring. but swallows are so darn cute and make me smile. :)

  8. You always have wonderful bird photography ~ love them! Great shots ~ carol, xo

  9. what beautiful birds and it looks like they all posed for you :)

  10. Love the cheeky gaze of the barn swallow in the last photo. And the Wheater seems to be such a streamlined little character.

  11. I'm glad the wheatear finally cooperated! Yes, barn swallows are good for a photographer's ego. :)

  12. That first shot is BREATHTAKING! WOW!

  13. ...terrific, as always. The wheateater was being quite rascally, huh? LOL But what a great photo op at the end. Beautiful colorations.

    And of course, swallows...gotta love them too.

    Fantastic post.


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