Saturday, August 17, 2013

Egypt Matters

When I watched the TV news and read today’s newspaper which described the tumult going on in Egypt it made me both sad and angry.

“The Foreign Office (FCO) issued the advice for the resort of Hurghada, where violent clashes erupted earlier in the week in an area away from the main tourist section. The FCO advised that in Hurghada on August 14 there were some violent clashes, in an area away from tourist resorts. One man was killed. Hurghada police advised tourists to remain in hotel grounds, avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings and if becoming aware of any nearby protests, to leave the area immediately and to not attempt to cross road blocks erected by the security forces or protesters.” 

Sue and I enjoyed a wonderful winter holiday in the Hurghada resort in January 2011 and it grieves me to think of those poor, hard-working and proud Egyptian people suffering such turmoil. 

It’s raining hard here in the UK, so I put together some pictures from Hurghada 2011. Apologies to any readers seeing a few of these pictures again but to anyone who didn't find them until now, I hope that after seeing them you will agree that Egypt should be on any birder's or photographer's wish list.

Hopefully Egypt will recover soon from this setback and their tourist industry return to normal.

"Click the pics" for a better view of Egypt.

Hurghada Hotel

Western Reef Heron

Red-throated Pipit

Common Kingfisher


Common Kestrel

Sleepy Camel

Egyptian Lizard

Greater Sand Plover

Nile Valley Sunbird

 Striated Heron

Tourist Police

More soon from Another Bird Blog but not from Egypt just yet.

Appropriately enough I'm linking this post to Anni's I'd Rather Be Birding Blog .


  1. That cheered me up on a grey day, Phil.

  2. Wonderful birds! The lizzard is cute too. The situation in Egypt is very sad. I visited Cairo over 20 years ago. It was only for a day because we were on a cruise from Cyprus. It's a very interesting country. I'd love to go back one day.

  3. So nice to see many birds I'm not familiar with and a camel sleeping too.

  4. So sad, but thanks for the beautiful photos.

  5. Great bird photos. Too bad about Egypt. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Superb photos of some of our planet's greatest diplomats.
    Who can look at these beautiful creatures and deny they deserve a peaceful existence?

    Thank you for sharing your positive memories, Phil.

  7. Phil, it is sad about Egypt, I wish for peace for them. Wonderful photos from your trip to Egypt. It looks like a beautiful place to visit. And the birds are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  8. This is a splendid collection, Phil. Well done.

  9. Wonderful set of pictures, Phil. I like the camel. I share your wish that they may have peace and safety soon.

  10. Things are well out of control there - Egypt has moved a number of spots down my "must visit" list - shame really as it looks like a great place. But its even worse for the people there.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. Great addition to your posting this I hadn't seen any of your photo shares before today and I enjoyed them. If only the entire world would get along with each other. OH, and too bad the wind doesn't blow some of that rain to Texas. :::sigh:::

    Love the 'police'. And the blue throat is awesome.

  12. PS...just read your comment you left me, and from reading what you wrote, I realized I left out part of the's European GOLDfinch. They've been reported quite often in America these days, the past decade or so.

  13. Some great shots Phil.

    I wonder when it will be safe to visit again?

  14. Very sad times for Egypt and and its people. I guess, like many other Middle Eastern countries, it will take some time and effort before visitors feel safe again.

    Super series from your visit there.

  15. I do agree with the others that it is indeed such a sad time for Egypt! I'm glad you have the beautiful birds to lift your spirits -- your photos of them certainly have lifted mine! Hope you have a good week, Phil!

  16. Thanks for showing the nice and peaceful things. I'm glad you're not there right now.

  17. I had a wonderful holiday in Egypt a couple of years ago cruising on the Nile and seeing all those historic sites I had read so much about. I now read about the terrible loss of life in the country and the looting of the museums. May peace come quickly to that divided country.

  18. It's nice to see some lovely photos from Egypt today when all the news is so sad and troubled. Beautiful bird shots!

  19. We spent a week in Hurghada in 2007 after sightseeing around Egypt.

  20. I was thinking about you when I was reading about Egypt, Phil. I remember last year you said there were no problems where you were. How sad that the situation changed.
    The bird photos are lovely, particularly the sunbird, and the relaxed camel made me smile.

  21. Ohhh, me emociona ver estas imágenes de Egipto :)


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