Saturday, June 29, 2013

Similar Summer

“Summer” continued in the same cloudy, cool and breezy vein at Conder Green this morning. So no surprises when after a couple of hours of due diligence my notebook entries almost mirrored those of recent days.

There was an extra Common Sandpiper today, two birds flicking low over the creek as I arrived to a  water level which filled the channel. The high water level kept the Redshanks away so my count didn't exceed 30 birds, likewise the Oystercatchers count of 16 which included two chicks. A flock of 40+ Lapwing came off the filling marsh to roost towards the back of the pool as 12/15 Curlews headed more inland while 2 Grey Heron stayed overlooking the creek.

Wildfowl numbers were low today with the single Goldeneye, 9 Tufted Duck and 12 Shelduck completing the count.


The long and dense hawthorn hedge provided action in the shape of approximately 20 Sand Martin, 12 Swallow, 15 House Martin and 20 Swift hawking for insects again.

The same hedgerow supplied the passerines too - 4 Tree Sparrow, 2 Reed Bunting, 2 Chaffinch, 6 Goldfinch, 4 Greenfinch, 2 Linnet and 2 Pied Wagtails, the wagtails feeding in roadside puddles below the hedge.

Juvenile Goldfinch

After remarking a couple of days ago upon the scarcity of Stock Doves at Conder Green today I noted three of them feeding quietly alongside the road; later I was to see one in our garden where the timid species is an now an uncommon but previously impossible species to expect. Perhaps like their larger relative the Wood Pigeon the inconspicuous and overlooked Stock Dove will become a common garden bird? Here's a handful of a woodpig I caught earlier in the week.


A quick scoot around Jeremy Lane and Hillam Lane revealed 30+ Sand Martin, 12 Tree Sparrow, 1 Kestrel and 8/10 Skylarks. It was a pretty unpleasant morning for Flaming June and far from ideal for birding so I cut my losses and headed home to try again another day, hopefully tomorrow.


Look in Sunday and see if things improved for Another Bird Blog.

Linking this week to Stewart's GalleryWeekly Top ShotAnni's Blog and  Camera Critters.


  1. Another great outing, Phil! The Shelduck is beautiful. And the Goldfinch juvie is cute! And I love the Skylark! Great photos! Happy Birding!


  2. I guess someone forgot to mention to you that the whole 'ban this' thing stopped being funny months ago. Now it's just a sign you can't think up anything intelligent to add to the conversation.

  3. Beautiful photographs. I am visiting Mumbai, India for six months and, from my 7th floor, there are dozens of crows and kites. I've gotten some good shots but I'm hoping for some beautiful, colorful birds.

    My Camera Critters is at:

  4. My oh my....and around here, our summers are nearly devoid of much bird life except for white winged doves, sparrows, and grackles. Just look at you!!!---your list of sightings is astounding. I love the juvenile finch. And the Shelduck's beak is so bright and contrasting...making for a beautiful bird!

    Too hot for me to be out counting birds's gonna be in the triple digits by noon today.

    Happy weekend...
    Hootin' Anni AND Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  5. Rashed - I think you posted a comment on the wrong website unless you can read words I am not able to see. Best wishes - Phil

    Everyone else - Thank you for your sensible comments.

  6. HI PhilWell I think you actually sawquite a number of good birds considering the bad weather. Loved the young Goldfinch andlovelyshot of the Sklark. Have a great weekend. Margaret

  7. Beautiful birds. I love that Juvenile Goldfinch.

  8. Wow ~ Wonderful macro shots of nature's gems ~ Beautiful birds ~ Happy Day ^_^

  9. This looks like a very good outing indeed! I've never heard of a Shelduck before! Wow!

  10. It must be great to see those Tree Sparrows. We don;t have many round here. From Findlay

  11. Bonitas capturas Phil,el Tarro blanco es precioso.Un abrazo

  12. Wonderful birds. I love the skylark.

  13. Some great photos of the birds you saw on your outing.

  14. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. Love your photos and hope the sun shines on you soon!

  16. What a great variety of birds in this post! The colors are really bright and cheerful.

  17. Shelduck are pretty scarce in japan and almost unknown up my way............

    Summer is quiet here too........

  18. I think Shelduck would be a patch lifer for me ... strange to think as it's quite common elsewhere.

  19. Love the Shelduck! Your pigeon portrait is beautiful!

  20. Interesting counts and beautiful birds. The Shelduck is especially handsome!

  21. Great shots, that pigeon looks very grumpy!

  22. Lovely photos, the Common Sandpiper is a very pretty bird!

  23. The wood pig looks like it has evil on its mind!!

    Nice pictures.

    Thanks for linking to WBW.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  24. You actually did very well despite the slow start. That Shelduck is beautiful! I'm experiencing the summer doldrums right now.


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