Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No Time Like The Present

There was too little time this morning, no chance of a spot of ringing, just a quick topping up of the bird feeders at Out Rawcliffe, followed by a hurried scoot around the birding block of the farm before the domestics of grandchildren drew me back home. 

Shame I didn’t have a couple of hours to spare as there was a good selection of birds in the wood and/or near the bird seed: 60+ Chaffinch, 10+ Brambling, 30+ Goldfinch, 4 Blackbird, 1 Song Thrush, 3 Redwing, 4 Fieldfare, 1 Yellowhammer, 15+ Skylark, 40+ Tree Sparrow, 2 Jay and 25+ Reed Bunting. In fields more distant in the direction of Pilling Moss were 200+ Lapwing and several thousand Pink-footed Goose.

The Reed Buntings here can be quite inquisitive, sitting up in the roadside hawthorns.

Reed Bunting

Reed Bunting

A recurring feature of the last month or two on the inland mosses has been the huge flocks of roving Woodpigeons, pointed out on this blog on a couple of occasions, but barely mentioned in the rest of the blogosphere.

Very recently the number of Woodpigeons appeared to drop, but this morning they were about in their many thousands again, moving in droves between a number of woods and fields in their search for food, the flocks of hundreds and thousands turning the tree tops to a mass of grey. I entered a figure of 15,000 in my notebook but the actual number could be double or more, but whether these are newly arrived birds or part of the original influx is anyone’s guess. No prizes for counting the number of woodies in the shot below, just some of the birds in a single part of just one of many woods the birds used this morning.

A reminder here to anyone new to Blogger, clicking on the pictures gives a light box and slide show, much better than the pictures on the page. 


On the way off the farm I saw the resident pair of Kestrels, the wintering Pied Wagtail and the inevitable Little Owl, same time, same place.

 Pied Wagtail


Little Owl

The weather doesn’t look too clever for a day or two, a humungous low pressure over the Atlantic Ocean, heading this way with wind and rain for three or four days, resulting in few opportunities to catch those Reed Buntings or Bramblings. Never fear, if there’s half a chance Another Bird Blog will be out there somewhere looking for a bird or two to report. 
  Look Out!
This post is linking to Weekly Top Shot , take a look soon.


  1. Hey Phil...I bet those trees looked like the tops where moving..."MAN"that is a lot of Pigeons !!
    The pigeons that we have here are city dwellers..parks and sitting on the edge of high building..a rather posh life ; )
    I'm not crazy about then since one pooped right on top of my head once!! : )
    "Tweet" little Bunting ; )...Sorry you couldn't stay out and play, but those grand-kids are more important
    so make sure you give them extra hugs, it is as crazy world out there: (
    Your better to get rain ..we had 4 inches of snow yesterday..today it has poured down rain all day 42 degrees..what a yucky mess!!
    I'll be on the lookout, but it best be before Friday..you know the "Mayans" ; )
    Your wet blanket buddy

  2. Inevitable or not, the Little Owl is ever so cute, but my favourite today has got to be the second photo of the bunting when enlarged. Fabulous photo, Phil.
    I'm not worried about the Mayan calendar. We met some Mayans a few years ago, and they're planning to be around for some time yet.

  3. A very nice report.
    There is a distinct advantage to visiting the same location to bird. I'm quite a gadabout so never know what to expect or where to expect it! I need to settle down.

    On the good news side, nice to have the grandchildren about to spoil for awhile!

  4. Hi Phil, and thank you so very much for your kind comments re...our daughter Brittany. She got to return home last evening following 16 days in 2 hospital's 5 major infections, and 2 surgeries. We are thankful and hopeful now.
    The little Reed Bunting is just what I needed to see this evening for a smile, or two. The landscape scene with those Pigeons is wonderful too. I shall try to get caught up a bit, as I have so missed everyone~

  5. Cute Reed Bunting portraits as well as the Wagtail. I'd love to find kestrels and owls as approachable as yours as well... Especially if they're as reliable as you suggest.

  6. Hello Phil,buenas capturas la de la hembra de palustre son muy bonitas.Un abrazo

  7. Great post, Phil! Love the cute Wagtail and the awesome Little Owl is always one of my favorites. Great shots! Happy Birding!

  8. Well, you still managed a reasonably good outing despite the shortage of time. Nice set of images, Phil.

  9. Wood pigeons seem to be multiplying everywhere, I get so many in the garden now, its hilarious watching them trying to perch on a feeder, great pics Phil as well.

  10. Hello there!! Oh my gosh, I've been meaning to get back to reading on the blog again. The birding has really picked up here with strange and unusual birds which has taken me on some crazy chases....so I apologize for not stopping by sooner:) I think you're the same with your counting and listing....it's very fun all of it. Wonderful sightings but the Little Owl is my favorite. Hope you have great sightings before the year is over:)

  11. Hi there - that Wood Pig image is remarkable - never remember seeing such a big flock.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. That little owl is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #62!


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