Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mostly Linnet and Swallow

With more cool westerly winds this morning’s birding proved to be another low key affair, the only noticeable movement at Pilling being an influx of Linnets along the shore, a single White Wagtail, and Swallows heading out over the marsh. There was also the continued push north of Meadow Pipits, with a marked trickle of birds heading off over the bay towards Heysham. The latter species has been evident on many mornings since early March and must surely be near the end of spring passage. Swallows are now on overhead wires around many farm buildings, making it harder to separate out the local feeding birds from the ones heading determinedly north. 


The Wheatear traps didn’t work this morning, with blame cast mainly upon the meal worms which struggled to find a good reason to wriggle around in the cold conditions. Two bright sparks hung around for a while, but perhaps as street-wise adults the netting of the traps may have deterred them from sampling the bait. I gave up trying to catch them and settled down to attempt pictures instead; even now they weren’t for coming too close. 



I stopped near the village for a few shots of a lonely Lapwing feeding amongst the dandelions. There are a number of Lapwings between Lane Ends and Fluke Hall, mainly on the freshly ploughed ex-stubble field, where the Lapwings may stand a chance of breeding, subject to the attentions of the Carrion Crows, local Foxes and Hi-Fly tractors. 







It’s a marginal forecast for tomorrow but I’m sure there will be a fresh post on Another Bird Blog – stay tuned. 


  1. Beautiful shots, Phil! I really like the Lapwing!

  2. Delightful little birds and great shots! I only wish I was as interested in birds when I was growing up in the UK as I am now, but I look forward to getting over there one day and catch up on some of them.

  3. Hi Phil,
    Well the weathear have not reach the south of the country yet! Lucky you to still get some ;-) I hope we will see them soon. Your pictures are wonderful! Well done...

  4. mostly birds with which I am not familiar so your info is very helpful..really enjoy learning about them...and the pics are really good

  5. Hey Phil...The Lapwing with those feathers sticking up on it's head reminds me of Alpha who was part of Our Gang of the Little Rascals shows ...your probably way to young to remember that ; }
    The photos are great of him ..they make me laugh not your photos, the bird itself...whew getting myself in trouble here! : }
    Hope your bird life improves!!
    Your old bird buddy

  6. Enjoyed your bird photography very much, and the Wheatear is my favourite today

  7. EXCELLENT Phil, those Lapwings images are exquisite and the Wheatears, MAGNIFICENT! I don't think that I have ever asked this before, but could you link my e-mail with a copy of the second Wheatear image? I promise not to do anything with it, but just keep it to view often, can you tell, I just love it!

  8. Hi
    nice blog
    keep up the good work
    I added your blog to my blogroll
    If you like add mine in yours

  9. I haven't seen or heard of a Lapwing. Amazing creatures and shots.


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