Friday, December 16, 2011

Common Or Garden

The first snow fell today, so heavy at times that the large flakes settled, but by mid-afternoon it had more or less thawed when the clouds headed in a south-easterly direction.

It took an hour or more for the Blackbirds to pile into the garden, 16 at one time attracted in by the windfall apples deliberately left for such an occasion. Last week there was a single Fieldfare amongst them but not today. I hadn’t seen a Fieldfare for weeks and I don’t know anyone who has, even though their European population is reckoned to be close on 50 million with many supposedly wintering in more temperate Britain. They may be in other parts of the UK but they are pretty much absent from these parts for now.

So for an hour or two I made do with taking photographs of common garden birds in the less than ideal and grey, snowy light.



House Sparrow







  1. Splendid portrait of a robin. Very Christmassy!

  2. If these were common in my garden, Phil, I would be delighted.
    Your robin is so much cuter than the North American variety, which is larger.
    Your blackbird beats the crow for cuteness hands down.
    However, even though we don't see many finches here since The Great Merlin Deck Disaster, we do have lots of friendly little sparrows.
    All the best,

  3. Lovely birds, Phil! My favorites are the robin and the Goldfinch is beautiful.

  4. Hey Phil...Oh no Snow...; } I feel so sorry for you hee-hee...glad it's not here 45 degrees and sunny!!
    I will shut my mouth,,because anyday there will be the snow storm that will be on for the winter eeeks...
    Phil these are great photo's ..that bit of snow just adds to them..they look good to me !!
    Get your long johns on and get out there... ; }
    Have a great weekend my buddy ...are you going Christmas shopping??


  5. A nice collection and I like the lighting. It snowed here for the first time yesterday too. (16th). -Quite heavily and the landscape is all white and grey as it will be for the next four months. Sigh. I'll have to toughen up.

  6. Hi Phil: Although "common birds" they are still very enjoyable Best wishes JWB.

  7. I was smiling as I scrolled down past your grand images and then when I got to the bottom image of the Chaffinch, I was beaming. They are all wonderful Phil and yet that bottom image is one that could be placed on your header, a greeting card, calendar is simply divine;')

  8. Marvelous selection of birds. I think my favorite will always be the robin. I'm getting a lot of Christmas cards from the UK with his portrait on them.

  9. Magnificent shots of these lovely birds!

  10. So many lovely bird shots! The little robin is just gorgeous.


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