Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Haircut

It’s OK this not working lark but the problem is that there aren’t enough days in the week. What with family, birding, ringing, blogging and writing a monthly column for the Green Book, I never have time for a haircut; until today that is, so I made tracks for Roger’s at Norbreck, then for afters planned an hour or two with the camera at Fleetwood.

Before I left home I checked the garden for yesterday’s Sparrowhawk, and there it was again in the same damson tree, trying to look inconspicuous. The bird let me get really close, too close for my 400mm, until it hopped across to next door’s fence but hidden by a holly tree. It’s obviously a male, and probably a fairly old one judging by the eye colour which verges on red. Maybe it’s a little sick or like me just slowing down in old age, but there’s few garden birds about, and it may just be playing a crafty game waiting for dozy Long-tailed Tits to come by.


The birding was quiet along Rossall and then the Marine Lake, and with the high tide reaching the sea wall many waders may have flown elsewhere: 360 Turnstone, 60 Sanderling, 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Dunlin, 4 Pied Wagtail, 4 Meadow Pipit, 13 Red-breasted Merganser. As ever, double click the pic for a larger version.





Red-breasted Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser



What an enjoyable morning, and just as well I got those jobs done today; the forecast for the next few days is not good for birding, ringing, photography or getting a haircut.


  1. Nice photos as ever. I've not had chance to do much bird watching for the last few weeks and I'm missing it

  2. Nice photos as ever (love the turnstone and sanderling). I've not had chance to do any bird watching for a few weeks and I'm missing it

  3. Congrats on the haircut...I keep my hair in a box in the closet...ahhh memories.

    Love the Turnstones by the way!

  4. I'll go for the Mergs. Nice one, Phil.

  5. Ooooooo! Lovely shot of that Sparrowhawk Phil. Brilliant eye detail and pose. I love it.

  6. Hey Phil...You know I am so far behind I'm starting to think I am in first place..haha!!
    I am just not keeping up with all there is to do and think about when you have a house to keep up!! many feeling down days..hard being alone!!
    Tomorrow I will be with my daughter, and my Grandson for a couple of days !! Will be nice!!

    Thanks for your kind words about my sister...I spoke with her today and she is coming along well..can't do much of anything so she is flustrated!!
    I have been having a problem posting comments to.. never know if it is going to work!!

    Well enough ranting... great news you got a haircut did you have a pony!!

    These are some nice shots of you feathered friends..I like the last of the Turnstone ...what's up with his puffy feathers??? lol

    Your buddy Old Pal Grace

    PS We got about a foot of snow Tuesday...I am not pleased..but I guess I will have to get over it! ; }
    Ps You can delete this!!

  7. great series, phil. love the sparrowhawk's red eye. really contrasts well with the green sticks framing him. amazing you can get so close to them there. i hope they will gain better protection soon. (typing with one hand because my dog in hand so sorry for no caps)

  8. What a beautiful assortment of Turnstone images shared does not outdo the other, but they each compliment each other beautifully...Glad you could get a hair trim and pleae, do me a favor...Tell that lovely old character the Sparrowhawk, to take care of itself...cold winter coming soon~

  9. Wow - fabulous shots! Love the clarity. And such cute birds.

  10. Gorgeous shots. I loved seeing the shorebirds. I used to live on the Gulf Coast and I miss their antics. I'm betting the hawk was just waiting for the right tasty morsel! Happy Critter Day!

  11. What a great group of photos! The Sparrowhawk is eyeing you - nice capture! I love all the shorebirds too -especially that fluffy Turnstone!

  12. Beautiful photos, all a treat to see.

  13. Great birds, I love the sparrowhawk and the shorebirds. Wonderful post and photos. Have a great weekend!


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