Sunday, July 17, 2011

Looking For The Sunday Sun?

The forecast was correct. Two days of rain, Saturday and now Sunday, with the weather extracting revenge for last week’s fine days.

But this morning, bursting with optimism despite the cloud filled sky I had set off for Pilling and on the way clocked 2 Barn Owls again, one at Burned House Lane and a second one flying across the road at Lambs Lane. After yesterday’s rain the fields alongside Biker Mile were crowded with Curlew and Lapwing, several hundred of each as I stopped at Gulf Lane in the hope of seeing a third Barn Owl; I didn’t, so turned the car around and headed back to Lane Ends where in the morning quiet I picked out singing Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler then watched a nearby Willow Warbler moving through the greenery.

Barn Owl with a Rat




The plan was a walk to Fluke and then back to the car park, but looking west and south all was grey. Within ten minutes the rains arrived again so I abandoned play for the time being.

Over lunch I switched on our Sky-free TV for yet more news and views on the shameful, murky world of Murdoch with its shady, back-slapping politicians, policemen, journalists and hangers-on who live therein. In disgust I zapped the remote control to “standby” and hoped the sun might shine a light into dark corners of UK life or that I might get a few hours for afternoon birding or ringing a few Swallows.

It wasn’t to be, and at 2.30pm rain still piled in from the west. It became time to sort the hundreds of photographs that clutter up the PC, abandoned for months on end as new, superior, more current ones arrive from another birding day for urgent cropping and Photoshopping for the blog.

I found a few old but respectable pictures to make the page up for today; Greater Sand Plover, Bluethroat and Cattle Egret from sunnier days in Egypt. It’s strange to look back and think that when we were there in January and February of 2011 it was ordinary Egyptians who took to the streets to sort out the corruption in the Egyptian establishment.

Greater Sand Plover


Cattle Egret

No sign of the Sunday Sun then? Thank goodness.


  1. I don't know how you do it. I try and try to get those birds to pose for me, but they just refuse. By the time I'm focused, they're gone. These are all amazing!

  2. A super collection of photographs. If the weather was perfect every day we'd keep taking photographs but never look at them.

  3. Wonderful collection of birds. Cool shot of the barn owl and the Lapwing is one of my favorites. The Curlew in flight is awesome. Great photos, Phil!

  4. Estupendas las cosas que nos dejas.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  5. Hundreds of lapwing and curlew, did you say? How wonderful that must have been, Phil.
    Beautiful photos, as always.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  6. all great shots ... love that bluethroat

  7. The Bluethroat is awesome and what a great snap you caught of the Barn owl and Rat...timing is of the essence. Yes, the UK, Egypt, the USA, Greece, so many countries have people that just behave badly! One never knows what a morning, or evenings news headliners shall bring and some days, I would love to just pull the cool sheets back up over my head. Take care~

  8. Beautiful colors on the back of the Barn Owl. Most photos only show a front view. Of course the shorebirds are the most special for me.

  9. Hey Phil...don't you think no matter where we live there is the same craziness going on when we have to listen to the people who don't have a clue what is really going on with us poor pee-ons!!

    Great shot of the rat cather!!
    You do know that it could be frezing rain or snow coming down so enjoy jus rain!!
    It is still hot and muggy here..beach day at the ocean yesterday with my daughter, grandson and his that water is cold, but it will cool you down in a hurry...and the sun will give you a a nice sun burn in places that don't get exposed very often....ouch!!!

  10. Well, here's a post where the words are just pouring out, like rain. Great pictures! Admired the beauty of the Bluethroat and the Lapwing. Always a pleasure to see what you share with us. Thanks Phil.

  11. Great diversity of birds. I like the Barn Owl the best. It is a rare species over here.

  12. Nice catch of the Barn Owl with its prey! It's interesting how Barn Owls in the UK also hunt during the day. I've never seen any of them during the day (or even dusk and dawn) in Thailand.

  13. NIce Owl shots again Phil.

    I did a double take with the Bluethroat, that would be a rather nice local patch bird in Lancashire..........


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