Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Middling Morn

Will and I finally got to Out Rawcliffe for a spot of mist netting on a fine morning with just an early breath of wind that left the nets motionless in the cover of the planation. As expected for early to mid-June we didn’t get a mega catch, just 19 birds, with 13 new and 6 recaptures. New birds: 5 Great Tit, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Blackbird and 1 each of Goldfinch, Blackcap, Sedge Warbler and Willow Warbler. Recaptures were 4 Sedge Warbler, and 1 each of Great Tit and Willow Warbler.

We hoped we might catch several fresh juvenile (3J) warblers today, but it was not to be. The only juveniles caught were 3 Great Tit and 2 Blackbird so we must wait a few more days for an indication of breeding success as more youngsters appear.


”3J” Blackbird

”3J” Great Tit

Willow Warbler

By 1015 hours the ever present 2011 wind sprung up to 15-20mph again which caused us to take the nets down.

Other birds seen this morning, most from the well positioned coffee chairs on the sun-deck of the moss: A Raven flying inland and then later (if the same one) back out towards Pilling Moss; 1 Great-spotted Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Corn Bunting, 2 Skylark, 2 Buzzard, 2 Oystercatcher, 20+ Lapwing, 6 Goldfinch, 1 Yellowhammer, 12 Tree Sparrow, 4 Swift, 6 House Martin, 4 Mistle Thrush, 2 Stock Dove, 30+ House Sparrow. And not forgetting 25+ Brown Hares which entertained us as they rushed and chased around the nearby fields in groups 8 and 10 at times.

Driving home through Town End, Out Rawcliffe I heard roadside Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat and then stopped to snap a Great-spotted Woodpecker doing a Woody Woodpecker impression on a telegraph pole.

Great-spotted Woodpecker

Yes, it was just an average sort of morning but don’t we sometimes take even those too much for granted?


  1. What amazing bird shots...

  2. The picture of the Great Tit and the Spotted Woodpecker are very nice. Like the close-ups of the pretty little birds. Not average, ever! Thanks.

  3. Wonderful collection of birds and photos. The woodie is great.

  4. Excellent closeups! I especially like the blackbird image - beautiful.

  5. Such beautiful shots!

    Camera Critters at my page. Have a great weekend!

  6. Sweet!!! I so love to go birding. And these photos you've shared are super. Love the link title you left at C C hub today..."Woody Woodpecker". I'm an old timer and remember those cartoons.

    Do stop by if you have time to view my:


    Hope your weekend is treating you well!!

  7. I sure wouldn't take them for granted, Phil. The closest I'll ever get to serious bird-watching is reading your blog, so I'm glad you go out, even on middling mornings.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Love the woody on a telegraph pole!
    I once saw a pair of nuthatches doing the same thing on an electric pole as well lol

  9. Never saw a Raven in that part of the world and the Hares seem to be doing very well too.....

  10. great portraits of them.

    I don´t know if this is your BPW entry? I ended up with snowbirds. :)

  11. Great post Phil! Love those birds in hand but that shot of the Great-spotted Woodpecker against that green mossy pole is super!

  12. Wonderful close-up photos Phil! Love the Great-spotted Woodpecker.

  13. Wonderful post as always Phil, always so enjoyable as well as informative, along with great images, what more could one ask for then ;)


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