Friday, May 27, 2011

Like Rip Van Winkle

I changed the header picture to reflect the season of the year and remind me that I need to check the Swallow nests regularly now.

Yet another blowy morning today was not the best for simply birding so it restricted my activities to the said nest visits. The cool, insect free weather doesn’t help feeding Swallows much but the recent rain left a few puddles where the Swallows collect mud for nest building, usually by adding a new level of detritus to last year’s nest.


Swallow nest

I’m not a believer in removing the old nests of Swallows. The old nests are often used in the following or subsequent years, and by leaving an old nest it probably gives the birds a head start when they come to start building, especially if there is a dry spring like this year; also the presence of old nests may play a part in courtship and pairing up. So all in all I leave well alone and let the Swallows decide how best to go about their nest choices. The number of nests is down this year with just four active at the moment, three with full clutches of five eggs and the final nest with 4 eggs, but there are plenty of Swallows around and a much needed hike in temperatures will surely get them more active.


As I drove off site the reliable Little Owl was taking a nap. I think that’s what I’ll do, go for forty winks and then like Rip Van Winkle wake up in a few days’ time to discover the last ten days have been a meteorological nightmare and that the weather has now changed for the better.

Little Owl

But as it’s not much of a post today here are a couple of recent pictures to stop readers from falling asleep, two wide awake Bee Eaters doing what Bee Eaters do, and a Whinchat, ever alert to my attempts at photography.

Bee Eater



  1. Seems people may be having problems posting comments! I think this is OK. Keep trying folks it may sort itself out. Regards. Phil

  2. Very appropriate new header Phil. Fairly quiet down here after last nights rain but at least the garden looks a bit happier. We may have to wait a while for an uplift in the warmth!

  3. Just love the banner pic, Phil. Our first ones are ready, too, for ringing.

  4. Great birds, Phil. Your photos are wonderful. I just love that little owl.

  5. I think that Swallows are such lovely birds and you got some beautiful images and those young ones are so sweet! I agree with you on leaving the old nests, much better to do what nature begins~

  6. Estupendas las fotos que nos has dejado. Un placer haberme pasado de nuevo por tu espacio.

    Saludos y feliz sábado.

  7. You have a wonderful blog, such lovely captures.

  8. Oh my gosh! A nest. Just, would you look at that? INcredible!!!

    My Critter blog this week is a photo of a laughing gull, AND I added a touching dog video -1.5 minutes long- of a dog that was blown away in a tornado only to CRAWL home 2 weeks later. It's a must see...the stamina and determination of animals.

    Have a great weekend.

    Here's my link to Camera Critters.


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