Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fast And Furious

It’s a fast and short post today because it’s Sue’s birthday on Saturday and tonight we are off to The Maya Tandoori and Balti House that comes highly recommended. Watch this space for the result.

It was Conder Green this morning where I was a bit late and annoyingly as usual a white van man, radio blaring, was parked in the lay-by that overlooks the pool, and for good measure, he sported a yellow jacket, conspicuously cleaning his van windows in full view of any birds out on the pool. No chance of close photos there then.

Not to worry, there’s always stuff to watch at good old CG. Like our old friend the Spotted Redshank, gradually turning from that majestic black colouration to the more familiar grey that does indeed end up with it looking like a Redshank with spots. Real autumn migrants like Common Sandpiper numbered at least 10 without me venturing around to the area of the bridge. Two Dunlin fed in the base of the channel. The other wader that arrives in July is Greenshank, and today two roosted with 8 common Redshanks on the main pool. Also on the pool, or rather the islands, were 2 Little Egret, 42 Lapwings, 14 Oystercatchers and a Little Ringed Plover. Ducks today were 3 Tufted Duck and 2 Wigeon but no Teal as yet.


Little Egret

A female Kestrel flew around the pool and over the creek pursued by 2 calling not yet independent juveniles. So I saw a good selection without finding the “biggy” that CG will inevitably throw up again, perhaps soon if PW keeps looking as much as I do. Sorry PW, I caught a glimpse of you in your new motor, but at the junction I had already committed to turn right.

What is a morning without a Pilling walk along the sea wall that blows away the cobwebs? It was a rerun of the day before but with Common Sandpipers now morphed into 4, Pied Wagtails into 10 but the same Skylarks and single Meadow Pipit in song. A dashing Sparrowhawk flew through a gap in the trees of the wildfowler’s pools then almost immediately I could hear that the Blackbirds at least spotted it. And as Blue Peter might say “Here’s one we caught earlier”.


Out on the marsh a Grey Heron sat waiting for goodness knows what and a Kestrel flew low across the grass perhaps hoping again for an unwary wader chick.

Grey Heron


At the car park a Reed Warbler croaked away loudly with a tit flock moving through the thick tree cover. I didn’t have time.


  1. Man, I could murder a decent curry. One of the main things I miss from back home...........

    Nice shots, esp the Kestrel........

  2. Hi Phil - I aways thought the Mayans were from Mexico rather than the sub-continent! All this new fangled cuisine!!!...enjoy...and why don't spot reds stay black for longer, missed it in its finery again this 'summer'.


  3. Looks like you're having a high count of birds in your area, your Kestrel shot is superb.

  4. I spotted 4 greenshanks yesterday. They are already on their way south again. :(


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