Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Balancing Act

Well as my old friend and hero Victor Meldrew might say, “I don’t believe it!”. People in the south of England swelter and turn a healthy shade of orange while us worthy folk in the North West get three solid days of rain on Sunday, Monday and now Tuesday, whereby my brown colour is more akin to the onset of rust, the car lies idle in the drive and my binoculars and camera fret away, neglected in their cases. It’s just not fair, we get months of nice weather and now we have to pay the price and withstand an equal amount of crappy weather fit for ducks only.

Meanwhile Mr Google may discontinue the blog on the grounds of inactivity if I don’t show willing and find something, anything, to write. “If in doubt look through the archives” as the BBC might say, and show some of the oldies, some repeats and hope that the viewers don’t notice the “R” in the programme schedule. The advantage of a blog is of course that it is totally free to view and to compose, apart from these stressful non-birding times which take their toll of the old grey matter. But to compensate me for this I am considering making an online charge of £1 as does News International now with the “Times”, but not I think with the “Sun”. I wonder why? And by the way, the “Sun” apparently sells 3 million copies a day - amazing.

So here are a few pictures of birds sitting or balancing on the top of plants, walls, wires, man-made objects or simply balancing in the air, all the things they do so effortlessly and which we marvel at.

Oh, they are not all repeats, maybe similar but certainly “Another Chance To See”.


Spotted Flycatcher



Booted Eagle

Spotted Flycatcher

Woodchat Shrike

Tawny Pipit


And if all things are equal surely we will get dry weather tomorrow?


  1. A good post Phil with some excellent pics to look through. Pretty good on the titles too....'Balancing Act' indeed, great stuff!

    Of course the Stonechat is my favourite.

  2. Phil. An excellent selection of images to look at on what must have been one of the wettest days for years !!! Things can only get better.

    My favourite is probably the spotted flycatcher. Great stuff Phil and keep up the good work.

  3. What a beautiful post, each and every one has great merit yet I am pulled toward the bottom one of the lovely Redshank in flight...this is marvelous~

  4. Pretty birds and awesome photos. I love the header shot, it is just wonderful!

  5. Nice collection haha!
    My fav would be the first Stonechat pic. It really looks so different from the one in Asia.

  6. So many cuties! I love the way the first bird is perched on that tiny twig. He must weigh nothing!

  7. lovely series, the first shot is extra special...Thomas


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