Monday, June 28, 2010

It's King Harrys Again

Readers of the blog may remember I caught a Goldfinch in my Lancashire garden in October 2009 that had been ringed in Chilworth, Surrey in January 2009, with the distance between the two points being 341 kms. Just as interesting was the reasonable assumption that the bird returned north during 2009 after wintering in the south of England. Details here:

The BTO have just informed the ringing group of a very similar recovery. Will and I caught a ringed Goldfinch at Rawcliffe Moss on 17th April 2010, the bird bearing a ring number we hadn’t used X818575; we are informed this bird was originally ringed in Kintbury, Berkshire on 31st January 2010, distance in this case 292kms, so it looks like this bird also wintered in the south of England. Interestingly it was during February, March and April of 2010 when there was a notable influx of Goldfinch to this part of Lancashire when we caught 15 new Goldfinch in February, 32 in March and 44 in April.

Two Goldfinch Recoveries


Interesting results like these two which both add to and confirm existing facts make all the early morning effort seem worthwhile.


  1. Your Goldfinches certainly are more brilliant in colouration than ours are. Lovely post. Have a great week~

  2. I am in awe of your photography. Yes, your goldfinches are very different than ours, which are all bright canary yellow in the summer and drab yellow/brown in the winter. I'll be back, I'm adding you to my reader.

  3. Excellent capture, very crisp, and thanks for the information. There are so many birds, and I probably will not see them all in my life time, lol. Blogging invention was brilliant idea! Anna :)

  4. Softies, they can't handle a Lancashire winter!

    Perhaps they were just visiting posh relatives in Surrey?

  5. Excellent capture, beautiful bird...

  6. ellisimas fotos de estos jilgueros me encanta la tercera, el primer plano del jilguero, un abrazo


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